Chapter 27

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||Im gonna try to post quite a few chapters in the next       few days, but please remember to rate up and follow me to get updates ever time a new chapter is posted! I love you all so much, and thanks again!||

"Edward Christopher Sheeran, I will actually shave your eyebrows off in your sleep if you don't get your ass down here in two seconds!" I yelled form the kitchen, though I had a small smile plastered on my face. Ed and I had been planning to meet up with our group of friends the night before, but we had gotten...sidetracked, and now we finally were getting the chance to and he had just gotten out of the shower! We were supposed to be at Sophie's in five minutes! I glanced at the oven, using the reflection as a mirror and adjusted my sweater until I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Come on!" I laughed at his green hoodie and jeans. 

We ran out into the car and started driving, laughing at how late he was all the while. "You know, I'm the girl in the relationship. I'm the one who's supposed to be taking up time with getting ready." 

"Sorry," he blushed, "I got distracted." 

I knew what he meant. Up until five minutes before we left he had been strumming on his guitar and humming tunes I hadn't heard before, so I had to assume he was on to something. I didn't actually want to disturb him, not when he seemed so focused on the beautiful music I knew he could make, but we did have to go. Plus, he had been the one that suggested we all meet up at Sophie's, so it would of been completely inappropriate for us to show up extremely late. 

"Its alright.." I reassured him, giving him a quick glance with a smile to let him now I meant what I said.

"You sure you wanna go tonight?" Ed asked, looking over at me as he did. "If you don't want to, we don't have to. I guess I never really asked." 

"Of course i wanna go!" I exclaimed. Ever since I had my little break down, he seemed to be extremely careful around me. It was like he was worried if he wasn't constantly making sure I was okay and comfortable, something might happen again. I had been generally okay since that night, and he knew I just wanted to know why he still treated me like I was some delicate creature that couldn't handle everything that came to me. I suppose it was because I couldn't always..actually, Ed had great reasoning as to why he was careful, but I didn't want him shuffling away form how he really felt just so I would be in my comfort zone. It was a give and take relationship, and ti was my job to be there for him just as much as he was for me. 

But for now, he seemed satisfied with my answer. He looked back at the road and continued driving, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of various songs that came on. Once we reached Sophie's driveway, I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and a smile just so he knew I really was serious about wanting to be here. Hell, she was my best friend-of course I wanted to see her! I was about to get out of the car when I was pulled back into Ed's arms. He nuzzled his head into my neck and what seemed like any skin he could reach. "If you get the least bit uncomfortable, you let me know, and we can go." he said gently. 

There it was again, the constant concern. Really, I couldn't complain, I was his girlfriend and he was really just helping me to be happy. So I smiled and nodded before pulling away, "I will." I agreed. I hopped out of the car and walked towards the porch, twisting Ed's hand to intertwine with mine. We stood out in the cold for a moment before a mop of dark curls answered the door. 

"Hello!" Harry grinned, inviting us inside with a swing of the door. "Jo, you look beautiful as always. Ed, you'" he winked in a joking tone. I rolled my eyes at his antics, but quickly gave in so I was able to give him a warm hug. "Hello Harold." I mumbled, though the smile on my face kept any trace of fake negativity out of my voice. 

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