Chapter 18

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||3 chapters in one day? iM ON A ROLL! dont forget to vote up and comment what you think(: ||

Liam and I pulled into Sophie's driveway at 1: 48 AM. We had spent the majority of the time in silence, though some of it was used for Liam to try and get me to talk which I didn't feel like doing. 

He unbuckled my seatbelt before he unbuckled his own, then got out of the car and proceeded to carry me inside. I would of put up a fight but that required energy I didn't have. 

We entered through the garage which brought us into the kitchen. It was bright enough to blind me compared to how dark it was outside. Though it was warm, and i felt like I could melt if i tried. 

I saw Sophie, sobbing into Harry's arms and Louis sitting at the kitchen table, his head thrown into his hands. 

As Liam closed the door, Sophie turned from Harry and looked at me. Her eyes were red and puffy and her face was tear stained. "Jordan." she said running up to me and covering her mouth with her hand. "Oh my god where have you been? We were so worried!" 

I didn't answer.

Liam set me down so Sophie could suffocate me in a hug. "are you okay?" she asked, sobbing all over again. 

I wasn't planning on answering, but even if I wanted to Niall and a short blonde girl entered through the main door. Oh look, someone else to hate me. 

They were holding hands so I assumed they were together. Niall had told me about this girl named Olivia in the past. Maybe that was her. 

"Jordan." Sophie said, pulling me from my thoughts. 

"what?" I asked. 

"are you okay?" sophie repeated. 

"I'm fine." I said even though Liam had ruined my plans and I was furious at him. 

Sophie shook her head. "come on. Ed's on his way." she said as she lead me into the living room. 

She gestured me to sit on the couch, and I did. Louis wrapped a blanket around me and gave me a tiny smile. Everyone sat around me. Louis on a chair next to the couch I was on, Sophie and Harry on the couch across from me. Mary sat in the corner crying and sitting by Olivia, who was trying to comfort her the best she could. Niall sat on the floor by Sophie and Harry. Liam remained standing, leaning on a wall. All of them were looking at me. What did they want me to do? 

Everyone continued to stare at me. I didn't know what to do or say. Everything just seemed really wrong and off. I just didn't want to be here. 

There it was again, the silence I had become to familiar with. 

We sat like this for what seemed like forever, when the silence was broken by the door opening and closing. No please, not Ed. Not more people to look at me. Not more. 

Despite my hopes Zayn ran into the living room followed by Ed. 

Zayn exchanged looks with Harry that I couldn't read, but i guess they meant for him to go sit on the other side of Sophie, cause thats exactly what he did. Niall took Olivia's hand as Ed ran over to me. He didn't sit he just kneeled in front of me. His cheeks looked tear stained, like Sophie's had 

This was it. This was when he was going to hit me across the face for running off and scaring him I like that. 

I stiffened to prepare for what I knew was to come. Though, to my surprise Ed didn't hit me (yet). In fact he began to cry again before pulling me into a hug. "I'm so sorry." he said. 

What. Why was he apologizing?! No this was some sort of trick. He'll say all the right things because of the pity. Right. I just stiffened. 

"Ed I need to talk to you.." Liam said quietly. 

Ed turned from me and looked at Liam, "can it wait?" he asked. 

Liam shook his head in response. 

Ed looked at back at me "I'll be right back" he said before giving me a quick kiss. 

I was impressed, he was really good at actually pretending like he liked me. 

Ed stood and followed Liam into the kitchen. Once he did, it gave me a view of everyone, continuing to stare at me. I was still human, they didn't need to act like I was some sort of endagered species. Though, maybe I was. Maybe most people are sane these days. 

From the kitchen I could hear Ed and Liam talking with hushed voices. I wasn't completely sure what about, but it seemed urgent enough. 

Eventually Sophie looked away from me, and up at Harry where they carried on a quiet conversation. It was horrible. I would take silence over this any day. 

Olivia continued comforting Mary, and Niall began to twiddle his thumbs. At least not all eyes were on me anymore. 

After a minute, Liam came back in the living room. He looked at me and exhaled deeply, "Ed wants to talk to you" he said. 

Part of me wanted to protest, but my legs were already standing before I could stop them. The will to leave that room was stronger than anything. I walked into the kitchen and Ed was holding onto the table for support. There was no doubt he had been crying in the conversation he had just had. 

"When Liam came to get wanted him to hit you?" He asked, looking up at me. 

I slowly nodded and looked down. 

Another tear escaped from his eye as he asked, "why?"

I took a deep breath, "I wanted to escape." 

Ed said nothing. 

"I did this to myself and everyone hated me for it...and I didnt want you to pretend to like me anymore  and I don't know I'm just so confused and nothing makes sense and-"

"What?" he cut me off. "...You thought I didn't like you?" he seemed appauled. 

I nodded. 

There was a silence. 

I knew for sure he was gonna hit me, when my thoughts were interrupted by Ed lifting my chin, so i was forced to look at him.

"...I love you." he said. 

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