Chapter 25

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By the time the fans began filling the theatre, I had been escorted back stage by Martha, the woman from earlier, who told me I was welcome to watch the preformance from the side of the stage, but obviously was not allowed to be seen by the audience. 

I glanced at my phone, expecting Ed to be on stage any minute, but instead, he appeared next to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. 

Slightly startled, I jumped a little, but smiled once I realized who it was. "God, you gave me a heart attack!" I laughed, my irish accent bleeding through my voice. 

"Sorry, love." he winked as a few stage hands made sure he was ready to go. 

Right as the lights dropped (and tons of girls began screaming) he turned around and yelled "oh and yes!" 

Yes? What was he saying yes to, I hadn't asked him anything...maybe someone behind me? I turned around to see who he was talking to, but there was no one there, and when I spun back around, Ed's eyes were on mine. "Yes what?" I asked

"Yes I want to make it offical!" 

What the hell was he talking about?! 

Before I had time to ask, his mic was turned on and he was out on stage. Anything that could of been said was drowned out by the screaming of fans, and the playing of his guitar. It wasn't until the first few chords of Give Me Love were played that I realized what he had meant. He wanted to make us offical. He was willing to say it to the press and to..well to everyone that we were officaly dating. That he openly liked me and I completely felt the same way. 

A grin spread across my face at the thought, and almost as if he knew I had gotten the message, Ed glanced off the stage to where I stood and returned the same grin. While I still had his attention, I nodded, and mouthed the words "me too". I could see Ed's face brighten as he looked back at the crowd and began singing his little ginger heart out. 


The rest of the concert went amazing, as expected. Ed sounded amazing and the fans loved it. He ended with a grin and a wave before runnning off the stage towards me. His mop of orange hair was now awfully sweaty, but it was kind of cute in a strange way. He grabbed a bottle of water and downed half of it in a few gulps. Once he set it down, a few tech workers swarmed him, leaving me to back up and start for the stage doors. After a few minutes of standing by the doors awkwardly, I glanced down at my phone, but the moment I did I was all of a sudden raised in the air. 

I gasped and shot my head up, only to be spun in the air by none other than my prince in gigner armor. I laughed as he set me back down a matching grin on his face. "So this is a thing now? You and me?" he asked in a surprisingly hopeful voice. 

"Of course!" I confirmed, shaking my head a little at his crazy antics. 

Without furthur hesitation, Ed had his lips crashed against mine, leaving us to recieve tons of disapproving looks from the crew back stage. But I didn't really care. I had Ed. Ed had me. ANd everyone else could go fuck off for all I cared, because I was finally happy. Even if it just lasted for an instant, I was happy and I didn't care who knew it. 

After a moment, I pulled back and (as I had predicted) many crew members were starring us down, including Stewart, who was now making his way towards us. It was evident he was trying to conceal his grin as the corner of his mouth twitched, so we knew he wasn't mad..even when he appeared to be. "Alright you two, we gotta go."  he said in a stern voice. 

The two of us nodded in understanding and let ourselves be escorted out by Stew, and into a car which took us on our way back to the motel. As we sat in the back seat, Ed and I had a full blown air guitar concert going on to the AC/DC song that was coming through the speakers. We earned eye rolls from Stew, but both of us were too gitty to care. Ed, of course was on his post-concert high, and I was just ecstatic for finally feeling loved again after so long of living in darkness. 

It wasn't until we had pulled into the motel parking lot and began walking in that a thought hit me: I never really had broken up with Hunter. If he found out I really was cheating on him, he would honestly have a vaild excuse to beat the shit out of me. But....I was with Ed now right? He would keep me safe just like he said he would. Nothing bad would happen. 

Or atleast thats what I kept telling myself. I repeated that in my head the entire way to our room and after. I told myself it would be fine as I changed into an oversized T-shirt. I told myself it would be fine as I brushed my teeth, as I threw my hair into a bun and as I climbed into bed. I did however, not feel the need to tell it to myself as Ed pulled me into his arms and nuzzled his forehead into my neck. And it wasn't until I felt him smile against my skin that every worry in my mind flew from view. I felt weightess and I couldn't help but smile for myself. 

"You're lovely." he murmered into my ear, his ginger hair I oh so loved tickling my shoulder. 

I shook my head, feeling warm in his arms despite the cold room (I wasn't even sure the crappy motel had heating). "Aren't you sweet?" I laughed, closing my eyes. 

I didn't hear Ed say anything else, but I felt his eyelashes slip down, and I knew he still had a soft smile oh his lips. After I moment, the silence was broken by gentle humming from behind me. Of course, I didn't protest. It only worked as a lullaby to drift me off to sleep. And what a wonderful sleep it was. 

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