Chapter 8

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||Chapter 8|| 





. . I don't know how long I was in there for, two or three hours I think. But I was finally out now, they had X-rayed me, given me some pain reliever, put splints on ALL of my fingers, gave me a breathing treatment thing and taped up my sprang ankle. I was a serious wreck. I did feel a little bit better now, the pain reliever had started to kick in so I could walk-well limp now. All I really wanted to do now was sleep. 

The nurse helped me walk down the hall and pushed one of the two white double doors open for me, revealing an exhausted Ed talking to one of the nurses.

He had been shaking his head when he looked up and finally saw me.  "hello love." he stated. I gave him a small smile as a response then looked at the nurse who had helped me. 

"thanks again..." I said to him. He nodded and turned to walk down the hall again. I limped over to Ed whose gaze had returned back to the nurse. 

The nurse scanned Ed with daggers as eyes, "this man has paid for your treatment so your all good to go." she said without turning from him. 

Ed closed his eyes and turned to face me. "yes let's get going." he said 

"you didn't need to pay for me!" I said, able to speak without a croak now. 

Ed opened his eyes and softened his gaze with a small smile "it's fine!" he said. 

"are you su-"

"it's fine." 

I sighed in defeat. He gave the nurse one last glare then turned back to me, "let's go!" he said.

I nodded as he opened the door for me.  I had forgotten how cold it was, Goose bumps immediately shot up my arms and legs.

Ed chuckled at me and walked until he was next to me. "if only I had my jacket..." he said with a smile. 

I smiled back at him and began to walk with Ed still by my side, "what was that about, with the nurse?" I asked. 

Ed drew a sharp breath, "she thinks I did this to you." he said sternly. 

I dropped my gaze to the pavement. "oh...well...I mean you would never hurt me........right?" I asked in a slightly shaky voice. I didn't think Ed was gonna hurt me...but he could if he wanted to. I didn't think Hunter was gonna hurt me at first either...I was obviously wrong about that. 

Ed stopped in his tracks and looked at me. I was looking down but I could feel his eyes on me. I swallowed hard and slowed to a stop.  " think I'd ever hurt you?" Ed asked. "I would never-I mean you're...I don't want anything bad to happen to you-I mean I l-" he paused for a long moment a took a deep breath. He walked up to me and lifted my chin with his thumb until my gaze met his, "there is nothing in this world that would ever make me hurt you." 

I didn't want to believe him. I wanted to keep my guard up so I would be prepared if Ed ever really did hurt me. But I just had to believe him. Ed's blue eyes showed nothing but complete concern and sorrow. Ed was telling me the truth, and he was going to keep me safe. 

I nodded slightly and saw a relived look wash over Ed's face.  "come on." he said as he started towards the car again. It dawned on me that I had no idea where we were going. I couldn't go home. I just couldn't. Not now.

  "where are we going?" I asked as I  slid into the passenger seat. 

Once Ed was in the drivers seat and had buckled his seat belt he looked at me, "you'll be staying with me for a bit." he said. 

I felt a small smile hit my lips before I could stop it. He really did care about me. 

Ed put the car in reverse and backed out of the ER parking lot. I still hurt. A lot. But definitely not as much.  We began to drive down the road when Ed asked, "Jordan?" 

"Hm?" was my only response, too exhausted to say anything else. 

"...after you're better, I swear to god I'm going to kill Hunter." he said.

Going to kill Hunter? I did hate hunter but I didn't want him dead. No one deserved that, not even Hunter.  I stayed silent for a moment, trying to find the correct words to say. I appreciated the concern but I didn't want Hunter dead. God what was I thinking?! Ed wasn't actually going to kill Hunter...I think. 

"You don't have to..." was the response I finally went with. 

Ed moved in is seat a bit, "well there's no way I'm letting him just get away with this! We can get the police involved an-"

"No!" I cut him off. We couldn't get the police involved...Hunter would most likely kill me, and worse, Ed. 

"why not...?" Ed asked. 

I looked down in my lap, "...just please don't." I said. 

Ed looked over at me with those goddamn eyes again. I avoided eye contact with him at all costs, knowing if I didn't I would break down. 

There was a long pause. I knew that Ed could see right through me attempting to put on a brave face.  "I won't," he began "but this isn't ok. Hunter doesn't deserve someone as amazing as you and... I'm never going to let him hurt you again." 

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