Chapter 24

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||This chapter is dedicated to Jake's older brother. Bees? Men. Who knows. Ok the person who had this un-named dedication will undesrtand..sorry to everyone else but I still love you(: || 

Once a rough hand had my wrist in a itght grasp, I felt the tug that spun me on my heel and turned me around backwards. Who stood before me was a man who looked about 22 or so. He had black hair that went down to his shoulders, a leather jacket (studs and all) and more facial rings than I could count. Behind him, was a short asain girl with matching long black hair, though she had a red streak in hers, less facial art and more eye liner. Not what I was expexting to say the least. 

"Hey kid. Wanna buy some candy?" The man asked.  Literally every kidnapping horror story I could think of ran through my mind...I had always made jokes about white vans that passed but were they all  seriously about to become true?! 

I tried to pull my wrist away, but the man's grasp--completed with a spike braaclet around his wrist--was too strong. 

Suddenly, the man looked back at the small girl and burst out laughing. Before I could even begin to react, my hand was free and the two of them were nearly rolling on the ground with cackles.

After a few moments of heavy breathing and wiping eyeliner as a recovery from their laughing fit, the man stood up right again and shook his head. "I'm just kidding don't worry." he said in a deep, gravely voice. "I'm Death, and thats my girlfriend Jay." he stated, bobbing his head towards the girl beside him. 

Death? Death? Really, he couldn't come up with a better name? I understand trying to be edgy and being your own person but...Death. That was just stupid. 

"Oh..ha..ha.." I shifted nerviously, unable to feel even the slightest bit comfortable in the situation. I was basically in the ghetto, with two people who just spent the last minute laughing about trying to kidnap me. Not really my ideal afternoon. 

"Don't worry we're not actually gonna kidnap you." Jay explained..though I wasn't really sure that was her name either. From what I could tell, she seemed to have a baby bump under her black and silver striped shirt and leather jacket. Not wanting to offend anyone, I decided against commenting out loud, though I was curious. 

"Yeah, its just getting kinda late and we wanted to know if you needed a ride or just needed some help with directions." 'Death' explained. 

I wasn't really sure I wanted to get in a car with two complete strangers, especially after the stunt they pulled earlier, but I was lost..and they were seemingly the only people in sight. 

"Um..well you wouldn't happen to know how to get to The Pagent would you?" I asked, slightly nerviously. 

"Oh my buddy Martha works there!" Death grinned, glancing over at Jay and making some comment about remebering Martha. "We can give you a ride if you like. my motorcy-" he cut himself off suddenly, eyeing over me like he knew me. 

"Wait...are you that chick thats been hanging out with Ed Sheeran?" he asked, his jaw dropping a little. 

So I was getting recognized now? It was possible there was some papparazi that I didn't notice while I was with Ed and they snapped a photo of us together..I just needed to know what exactly they said with the photo. 

"Oh yeah, you're like his girlfriend, right?" Jay asked, taking a step towards me. 

"Well, not offically..we're seeing each other-and I'm staying at his place but we haven't really said anything. Why are people saying we're a couple?" 

Jay pulled out her phone and began typing. After a moment, she turned her phone towards me, where the screen held a maganize article that showed a photo of Ed and I outside of Starbucks. The caption wrote: Ed Sheeran's New Little Lady? Funny, that we were a couple according to the world before we were offically a couple to ourselves. Of course I would love to be Ed's girlfriend. But that didn't mean he felt the same way. For christ's sake, all of this could just have been a pity act becuase of Hunter. Whatever the reason though, the world now saw us as a couple, and we needed to discuss it. 

"I guess..I guess we kinda are a couple." I said, but the moment I did, I regretted it. If the word got out and that wasn't what Ed wanted, there was a good chance he could completely hate me, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself. "Well-" 

"I knew it!" Jay interuppted me before I could finish. "You guys are like, my OTP." 

I didn't really want to be OTP status without Ed's permission..but damn did it feel good to know that I was seen in a relationship with someone I so badly wanted to be with. To be perfectly honest, a large part of me wanted to scream out that yes, we were indeed dating and were very much in love and he actually wrote a lot of his songs about me...but I knew that wasn't true, and I didn't want to make it true unless he wanted it to be. 

"Well thank yo-" 

"I've got directions to The Pagent." Death spoke in a voice loud enough to cover up mine. They were really good at interuptting. Still, the man got out a napkin and pen from his pocket and, using his thigh as a surface, wrote down the directions that led back to the venu. 

He handed me the slip, which I took with a smile "thank you." I nodded. 

"anytime! Now, we gotta go to the new Hot Topic that just opened, good to meet ya!" 

The couple scurried off, leaving me alone again, with nothing but a napkin. 


When I got back to The Pagent, about 40 minutes had passed, and my feet ached. I walked into the building where Ed was on stage doing mic checks. I silently prayed he wouldn't be furious with me for leaving for so long. 

Though he wasn't. 

Instead, he tossed the mic back into the stand in an instant, and before I knew it, he was standing in fornt of me. 

"Jo! God, I've been looking for you for hours, where have you been?" he asked, concern welling in his eyes. 

"I texted you, I went out for a walk!" I tried to explain, knowing it was a lame excuse, if any. 

"yeah well I figured you'd be back by now!" he chuckled a little, as one of the stage crew members called for him to return back to the stage. "Love, I've gotta go. Niall is down in the front row if you wanna go sit by him for the time being, he's leaving before the show starts though." 

I nodded as Ed ran back to the stage, the firey ball he called hair becoming messier by the minute. 

I shuffled through the empty seats until I found Niall, sitting on instagram. Feeling happy to have someone to talk to, I plunked down in the seat next to him and swatted at his shoulder. "Hiii" 

He looked up and smiled at me, "Jordan! Wait c'mere take this picture with me." Classic Niall. 

We spent the rest of mic checks taking selfies for our instagrams, while I glanced up at Ed form time to time, trying not to let my emotions bleed through while he was rehearsing. He clearly needed to focus and I didnt want to distract him. Still, with Niall there, the next few hours had flown by and it wasn't long before he was leaving, not wanting to draw attention to himself by the fans that were alreasy standing outside. 

Concert time. 

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