Chapter 29

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||Ok guys heres the deal. I have recetnly received a few hate letters for this fic that have really been freaking me out. I'm sorry if y'all don't like this story, but if thats the case, please, just don't read it. This story is cheesy and predictable, but I'd like to believe its also cute...kinda like a NIcholas Sparks cheesy little romance. If thats not your thing, please don't bother reading this story at all. As to all of my wonderful readers who continue to stay loyal to me: thank you. It means a lot that you guys continue to support me(: With that, I present to you Chapter 29!||

||Oh and Calista, there is a good amount of cursing in this chapter. You have been warned!||

"Ed...what are you talking about?" I mumbled, cracking my eyes open and rolling over slightly in my bed. 

"You..."  Ed went quiet for a moment as I sat up slightly, the possibilities of what could be happening swarming my mind. "You have to go." he said sternly. 

There are a few moments in life when you can hear your own heart beating. Everything else goes dead silent and you can feel the blood rushing in your brain. You are suddenly manually breathing and blinking and you don't know what you can do to stop it. This was one of those moments. My mouth ran dry and I felt my heart rate fall to half its orginal pattern. 

"...what?" I asked timidly, almost not believing the words I was heairng. Just ealier he had said he wanted to stay home all night with me, and now suddenly I was no longer welcome. This couldn't possibly be the complete story. "Ed, whats going on?" I asked, sitting up fully so I could look him in the eyes to the best of my ability through darkness. 

"Look, you need to pack your things and go...the sooner the better." Ed stated. There was something off in his voice though, as if we had just ended a huge argument and he was trying to move on. It didn't make sense. Especially not when I had just woken up. 

"..can I atleast have an explanation?" I asked. Everything in the room seemed so beyond still, and quiet (aside from our voices) and it was scaring me a little. Who was I kidding? I was terrified. I didn't want to leave Ed. I wanted to continue being happy. I wanted to fall asleep next to him and wake up in his arms. I wanted him to laugh at me when I tripped on nothing, and I wanted to watch him mindlessly strum his guitair. It couldn't alll just dissapear. Not like this. 

Though the thing that made matters worse, Ed was silent. He didn't say anything more, instead he just sat back on the edge of the bed and looked at me. I felt like I would burst into tears at any moment if he kept it up. 

With silence as my only reasoning, I flicked on the lamp that stood on the night stand and shuffled over to the closet. I mindlessly pulled random articles of clothing into a duffle bag, barley seeing what I had and not caring. It was jsut enough to get me through for the next few days. "...where am I supposed to go?" 

"I'm sure Harry and Sophie will let you stay with them." Ed spoke, his voice distant aand unfamilar, nothing like the Ed I had known my entire life. 

I balled a few more random articles of clothing into my bag, starring blankly at the contense of it as I did. I barley knew what I was looking at though, my mind was so consumed with unanswered questions and terrible scenarios playing out. I couldn't think about anything. No. I was thinking so much, that my mind had practiaclly shut down. 

Pulling the zipper of my bag closed was the loudest noise I had ever heard. It pierced the silence that consumed the room in ways nothing else had. and almost made me flinch, but I didn't. I didn't feel anything. I was so mentally and pshyically exhausted and I just wanted to crawl into bed and listen as Ed comforted me. 

But obviously he no longer wanted that to be an option. 

"You can mail the rest of my stuff to me." I said in a quiet voice as I headed out the door. I didn't slam it or leave it wide open, actually, I took my time carefully closing it. Not wanting to make any more noise in the dead silence of the house. 

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