Chapter 22

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||guys if you wanna be my best friends and reccommend this to other sheerios you know, or on your instagrams or whatever I don't think you realize how much that would mean to me. I would be happy to do an s4s type thing! Just let me know and thank you guys so much

 WARNING: intense amount of nerdy refferences in the next few chapters||

I flopped down on the bed and looked at the ceiling which seemed to have a huge stain on it. What a classy place this was...

I sat up as Ed set his phone down on the night stand next to the bed and laied next to me. He studied my face for a moment before laying flat on his back. 

The thing about him was, he was so stupidly easy to fall in love with. It was like it had always kind of been there. Just another glass in the cubbord. He was kind, as he should be. Though he didn't just act kind, he really was. He didn't hide it either. No, Ed never tried to play it cool and be this bad ass like so many others. He was fine with laughing until he cried, and getting drunk enough to say stupid things. That was another thing. He was a cuddly drunk, not an agressive drunk. In the past he had asked me to pick him and Harry up from a bar. Usually Harry would be smooth talkin' the ladies (and sending extremly flirty texts to Sophie) while Ed would lean his head up next to mine while I drove and sort of bury his face in my neck. Not the best driving tactic. We would get to his place, and I would listen to him ramble about how "I was such a good friend for doing this" and how 'he couldn't thank me enough". Eventually I would get him to shut up and I would see him in a few days, sober and smiling. I loved it when he smiled. It was cute and sweet and it just made me happy because it wasn't some perfect super model smile. It was crooked and it made his eye's wrinkle and I loved it. 

"Do you remember the time," were the words that brought me out of my thoughts, "when we were little, and our mums were talking about what they got us for Christmas? And your mum said you got a  Barbie Dream House, and you tackled me and went on and on about how that was your dream gift?" Ed asked, a grin now spread across his lips. 

I smiled at the memory I so vividly remembered. It was by far the coolest Barbie Dream House in the history of Barbie Dreaam Houses. 

"and we tried to listen to see what my gift was, but I couldn't hear you because you were still talking!" he said 

I grinned "You would of been talking if you just found out you got a Barbie Dream House for Christmas!" 

"Actually I think I would of stayed quite silent." 

"oh really?"

"Well I actually would of been talking about how that was a horrible gift considering I wanted the newest Lego City set." 

"You still want the newest Lego City set." 


"The GOLD MINE SET?" I asked, my reponse dripping with sarcasm. 

A look of realization washed over Ed's face. He groaned and turned on his belly towards me. 

"What?" I aksed, slightly nervous. Was he seriously tired of me already? Did I do something wrong?

"I have a gig tonight" he groaned into my shoulder. 

I sighed of releif, glad to know that was his biggest concern at the moment. "Thats not anything to be upset about!" 

"Yes it is." he said, resting his head on my shoulder. "I want to stay here." 

"In this shitty hotel?" I asked with a laugh

"Well you're here.." Ed cooed, glancing up at me. 

But, I'm me. Why on Earth would he want to stay here with someone like me? I just shook my head. It made no sense. Why? He had told me he loved me right? And he wasn't one to just throw that around.

Ed planted a kiss on my shoulder. "You're doing it again" he whispered 

I shivered out of my train of thought and looked down at him "Doing what?"

"I say something about how you're this incredibly lovely person, and you go all distant. Like you don't believe me." 

Thats because I am a stupid whore. 

I shrugged "I don't have a sky high self-esteem." 

Ed gave me this look that broke my heart. It was sad and apologetic, even though he had done nothing wrong. He looked like the fact that I hated myself was the worst thing I could ever do. It tore me up. 

Ed sat up enough so he could place a hand on my cheek and gently kiss me. "You are so perfect, yet you only believe the bad things people say." 

My heart almost seemed to warm at his touch. Before it had felt cold, or like it wasn't there at all and suddenly it began beating again. 

"You're nice." I simply said. 

Ed shook his head and kissed me again. I kissed him back softly as he sat up a bit more. I wrapped my arms around his neck, allowing them to rest on his shoulders. 

Ed's thumb ran across my cheek, barley skimming the surface of my skin. 

I pr-RING from the night stand, Ed's phone rang, making a harsh vibrating noise. I jumped a bit in surprise as Ed sighed, and looked over to see who it was. He gave me an apologetic look as he answered it. 

"What...I was with Jo...Jordan. Yeah. But thats not until tonight! Can I atle-" was what Ed said before sighing and finishing the conversation with "Ok, ok. I'll be there in a minute." 

Ed hung up and groaned again. 

"You have to go?" I asked. 

Ed nodded, "I've got to go 'prep' for the show eight hours early." He looked as irritated as ever. 

"Oh well..thats alright! I get that!" I said with a nod. "What time do you think you're gonna be home?" 

He looked up from his phone with a small smile "Well you could always come.." he sang

I shook my head but couldn't help smiling "Its your big thing! I don't want to come in and-" 

"Wonderful! You're coming!" Ed exclaimed, interupting me as he did. 

I opened my mouth to protest, though Ed stopped me with a quick kiss before I could get any words out. 

"lets go" he said quietly 

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