Chapter 7

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||OMG!!! The response that you guys has to this fan fic is awesome!! Thank you guys SOOO much! I love you all to the moon and back(: now, today is eddie's birthday!!! So I will try to get a few chapters in if i can!||


||Chapter 7|| 





  I looked over at Ed. His gaze remained on the rode but his thumb slowly stroked the back of my hand. I looked out at the road, I was terrified of getting hurt again, but with Ed right there I knew I was safe. 

We stayed like this in silence for a few minutes. It wasn't awkward silence, it's just there was nothing more to be said. We both knew I felt a bit safer now and Ed seemed satisfied with that. 

Ed pulled the car into the Emergency room parking lot and parked. He quickly got out of the car and opened my doors. I went to unbuckle my seat belt but was interrupters by a quiet, "let me." I stopped and allowed Ed to unbuckle my seat belt and pick me up again. All of the pain returned again as Ed's hands accidentally pressed on a few of my bruises. 

"We need a doctor!" Ed announced as we entered the emergency room.  The woman at the front desk looked up and drew a sharp breath, "does the patient have a head injury, having trouble breathing or having a heart attack?" she asked. 

Ed studied my face before looking back up at her, "she's been punched in the temple and it sounds like she's wheezing a bit..."

It was true I was wheezing, but I would consider it a lot not a bit. It felt like I was breathing through a straw.  The woman at the front desk looked at me, "alright we'll take her back. Can you walk dear?" she asked. 

Before I even had the chance to think of what my answer would be, Ed quickly responded with, "she can but it hurts her, a lot." 

The woman glared at Ed, which didn't seem to phase him too much. "one moment please." she said as she stepped away from the counter and into the hallway. 

I glanced up at Ed. He looked tired but frantic at the same time. I could feel him bouncing on his foot impatiently. His ginger hair was completely crazy and he had large bags under his eyes. He hadn't bothered to change out of his plaid pajama bottoms and T-shirt which didn't bother me too much. 

Still In his arms, I leaned my head on Ed's chest and waited for the woman to return. I could hear his heart beating. It seemed loud and fast, but soothing at the same time. I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply, wishing I could just fall asleep. 

Just as my eyelids slowly closed I heard two double doors open and a few footsteps. I opened my eyes again, the woman from the front desk, some male nurse and a wheelchair were in front of me. Ed took a deep breath and set me in the wheelchair. My entire body ached, I just wanted to go home more than anything. 

The woman from the front desk returned to her post and the nurse began to wheel me back, followed by Ed. "Excuse me sir, I'm going to have to ask you to wait out here." the nurse said to Ed. 

Ed gave the nurse a 'yeah right' look. "yeah-I'm coming back with her." he said. 

The nurse furrowed his brow, "yes well, some of the other nurses had some questions to ask you..." 

A questioning look washed over Ed's face, "alright....?" he said.

Ed kneeled down so he was at eye level with me. His huge blue eyes looked into mine, "I'm gonna be right out here when you get back. Don't worry." he said in a soft tone.

  I gave him a small smile, "I won't." I croaked. Ed smiled at me and kissed my nose. I felt a blush creep up onto my face and my smile begin to grow before I could stop it.  Ed stood, nodded at the nurse and walked over to a seat in the waiting room. 

I just has to survive this then I could go home...well not home...I couldn't really go home with Hunter there....I would go somewhere. Somewhere good and nice and safe...

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