Chapter 36

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||Hey there! I have some good news and some bad news, the good news is I’m almost to 150,000 reads, which is crazier than I could of ever imagined. Thank you guys so much for continuing to read and support this story. I really appreciate it. The bad news is I started up school again today and I already had three hours of homework. IT WAS THE FIRST DAY. I WOULD THINK THEY WOULD BE MERCIFUL BUT NO. Unfortunately, this means updates might be coming in a bit slow. But, I’m really gonna try to make writing a priority. I don’t want you guys thinking I’m abandoning you, because I really do love and appreciate each and every one of my readers. This being said I’ll try to update as much as possible on the weekends:) Some other goodish news I guess is I’m on YouTube now which is a thing, and so if you wanna check out my channel to see whats up with me I’d love you even more. I’ll leave a link to my channel in the comments. Thank you guys again for reading, you all mean the world to me. I’ll try to update at least every Sunday if possible. As always, don’t forget to vote up, comment and spread the word about that rad Ed Sheeran fan fiction you’re reading. :D LOVE YA LOTS!||

||Trigger warning: themes of rape and sexual assault will be in this chapter. If you experience panic attacks or anxiety from this content, please refrain from reading.|| 

They said it was a bottle to the head. Thats why I couldn’t remember much, anyway. 

My friend’s and I had spent an long evening out together, having a marvelous time, so we weren’t in any rush to get home. We hadn’t checked the clock, and were instead measuring time in bottles of wine and how good our tipsy selfies were looking. We were laughing and having a good time, and I didn’t have to think about anything we didn't want to, it was just me and the girls. Just like old times. 

Around eleven, we figured we better get home. We didn’t want to be out too late, especially after the night before. Plus our wonderful friends Kristin and Olivia planned on spending the next day sight seeing, which would be particularly difficult if they were hung over. So we all reluctantly bid farewells. Olivia and Kristin got in their cab, and Sophie drove herself home, leaving me to haul my own cab, which wouldn’t have been a problem if I hadn’t forgotten my purse inside. I was on my way across the nearly deserted parking lot, rubbing my arms because it was cool out this late at night. There was a street lamp about ten feet away from me that I was using as a check point towards the restaurant. Then there was skin across my mouth. It was warm and sweaty. 

I don’t remember anything else. But apparently I was found out behind the restaurant by a bus boy at 12:34 am. He went outside to light a smoke and he found me by a dumpster, collapsed on the ground. There was apparently blood streaming down my leg, and dried blood across my forehead. He called the police, and an ambulance came to take me to the hospital. I woke up for a moment in the ambulance, but that was extremely blurry. All I remember from that is an extremely white ceiling and a male nurse nodding and saying something to me that I can’t remember. 

I don’t know what else happened, but I woke up the next morning in a hospital gown, laying in a hospital bed with an IV in my arm. I would have to guess I was in a hospital. 

No one was in the room with me. I was alone, and I didn’t know what happened. I started to panic a bit, but when I tried to sit up my head began to throb. Hard. I felt like my temples could burst if I continued to move, so I laid back down. 

My eyes were glazed over with tears and my lips were extremely chapped. It was cold in the room. I just wanted to know what happened to me. It was then that a woman came into the room. She wasn’t a nurse, she was in a long dark brown coat, with a lighter brown shirt underneath. She had a short brown bob and a kind face, but I had no idea who she was. 

“Jo?” She asked quietly. I didn’t say anything. “My name’s detective Benson, I’m here to help you.” 

I said nothing. I didn’t know what to say, instead I just blinked, which (to my surprise) caused a tear to fall from my eye. “What happened to me?” I finally asked in a voice so quiet I wasn’t sure she heard me. 

The woman who sat before me let out a small sigh. “We think you were raped.” She said. “Someone found unconscious last night with blood down your leg. We can file a rape kit and find the person who did this to you. I promise, we’re here to protect you.” 

That was when I really started crying. It hurt, quite badly actually. My head was pounding and every time I sobbed the pain intensified but I didn’t know what else to do. It was back. This endless cycle of torture I called life had reached its all time low. 

I sat there and cried for a long time. I don’t know how long. Detective Benson stayed with me the whole time. She explained the situation to me. She told me about how the bus boy had found me and how I had been unconscious. She told me about how she would bring justice to the situation and how if I helped her, they could make sure the ‘poor bastard who did this to me’ wouldn’t get away with it. I gave her my permission to run a rape kit, and they did. They took me in a room and pulled off pieces of dry blood, hairs, scabs. They swabbed everything. They said it could help them figure out who did this to me. Then I was allowed to go shower, and I did. I walked to the bathroom, saw my reflection, cried, showered, cried some more, then went back to my room. Detective Benson told me some visitors could come and see me while they ran the rape kit, but she’d be back soon to ask me some questions. 

My sister, Lauren came in first. It was obvious she had been crying already, but as she entered the room she started crying all over again. She kept apologizing and squeezing my hand and crying and telling me she loved me.

My dad came in too, and he was crying as well. He told me they were gonna get whoever did this to me. He told me that he loved me and that he would never let anything like this ever happen to me again. He also told me my grandparents and cousins were all coming to see me as soon as they could. 

Harry and Sophie came in next. Sophie was a mess, she kept almost hugging me then stopping herself. She apologized so many times for leaving early, but I knew it wasn’t her fault. It couldn’t be. 

Harry cried as well, but when he tried to hug me, but I stopped him. It struck some awful chord in me that made my body ache. Him and Sophie exchanged looks, then Sophie started crying some more. I didn’t want him touching me. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, but he was strong and big and I was just..scared. 

I guess thats what I was feeling. Everyone kept coming in and crying and telling me they were sorry and I was just scared. I didn’t know whose fault it really was, or what really happened or who did it or what I was supposed to do. I was just terrified of everything. All I wanted was answers. I wanted to know what happened to me, but from the looks of it, I wouldn’t be getting my answer for a while. 

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