Chapter 12

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||so this is the first chapter in my Chapter a day week! Yay! Thank you guys so much for reading! I love you to bits and prices! MWAH!||

||Chapter 12||

We had stayed there and talked for what felt like hours. We talked about everything. Hunter, family, my injuries. I didn't even care what we were talking about though, whether we were rambling or having a sophisticated conversation it didn't matter. I was talking to someone who actually did care about me, and made me feel like I wasn't the worthless piece of shit Hunter had made me feel like I was. I had Ed. And that was perfectly enough for me. Not to mention the fact that Ed had actually kissed me...and I had actually kissed him back. That was it, we had kissed a few times and then I rested my head on Ed's chest and we just talked. And talked and talked and talked.

After a while though we did get out of the bathtub and return to reality. It was 1:37 by the time we had actually made it downstairs! So we had talked for two and a half hours...Ed didn't really seem to mind though, despite the many messages on his phone from various people that he didn't bother to answer. I had changed back in the pajamas I had worn the night before and put my wet hair up in a towel so I could eat breakfast.

"so what can I get you? I suppose it's more of a late lunch but if jyou want breakfast that's fine too!" he said as he opened the stainless steal fridge and got out some milk.

I leaned against the counter, "umm...if you have an apple that really fine." I said.

Ed began to pour himself a bowl of Cheerios when he looked up at me, "that's it? It's really no trouble!" he said.

"I know but I'm just not really that hungry that's all." I said.

Ed raised his eyebrows, "nothing else?"

"nothing else"

"alrighty..." Ed said as he tossed me an apple.

I caught it despite the splints on my fingers and took a bite of it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my white iPhone light up and vibrate on the counter. Standing back upright I limped over to my phone and looked at the message.

It was from Sophie and it read: "hey girl! The honeymoon is awesome call me when you get the chance, I have TONS to tell you!"

Shit. What was I supposed to tell her? Oh my god what was I supposed to tell Lauren or my dad?! "oh yeah Hunter beat me up but it's fine because I went to Ed's house after and we basically made out while I was only in a towel. Yeah I really like him"? Wait what? Did I really like Ed? I mean I did like him and he did kiss me so I'm assuming he liked me back...he wasn't really a player or anything...ugh it was all so confusing! So much had happened over the last few days! I just wanted to shut it all out! But then again I really didn't want to...I loved being with Ed and I wouldn't trade that for anything, even if it meant some terribly awkward conversations with my sister and dad.

"you alright love?" Ed asked. Great, my emotions must have been a little more obvious then I had hoped.

"yeah-just thinking!" I said.

Ed patted the space next to him, inviting me to sit there. I smiled and grabbed the bottle of pain medication from the counter and shuffled over to the table.

After taking the pills, we continued our conversations from earlier until a horrible thought hit me.

"...Ed..." I said quietly.

He looked up at me in response.

"...I'm gonna have to go home eventually."

He sighed, "I know....but you're welcome to stay here as long as you want...and no matter what happens I'm alway gonna be here for you!" he smiled shyly.

I smiled and stood before giving him a loose hug, "you're the best." I said.

He gave me a cheeky and sarcastic grin as I kissed his nose. I knew he was gonna be there for me, whether hunter was or not.

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