Chapter 16

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||this chapter is for Sophie and Olivia and the rest of the directioners out there.||

||Chapter 16||

It had been three days since the last run in with Hunter. I had spent those days  with Ed,  snuggling drinking unreal amounts of hot chocolate and playing the guitar (i can play, obviously not as well as Ed but I try). Ed and i had a conversatoin on his music which caused him to blush to new extents, but gave him an excuse to play Give Me Love for me. Which, was amazing.

Now, Ed and I were meeting our friends (and the notorious members of one direction) Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam and Niall at Sophie's house. Sophie had gotten back from her honeymoon yesterday and wanted to see us again. Sophie, Ed and I have always been friends. When Ed met harry we became friends, and when Harry met the boys we all kind of became a little group. 

The boys were really busy most of the time, which is understandable when you're as huge as they are. So we get the chance to hang out, we always jump at the oppritunity. Though today i would be content with not seeing any of them. I loved them all, of course, but as Ed and I drove to Sophie's house i kept looking in my phonoe's reflection to see i still had visible bruises. Questions would be raised and I woud have to answer them. 

Though as Sophie's house pulled into view, I couldn't help but get a little excited to see everyone again. Out of the boys Niall and I had the best relationship despite the fact i've known Harry for the longest (Sophie and Harry had a bit of a fling when they were younger).

Ed pulled into the driveway and looked over at me, "ready?"  he asked. 

In no way was I ready but I smiled and nodded anyway. 

Ed smiled back at me and got out of the car. 

We walked up to the front porch and rang the doorbell. Sophie and Harry had a really nice house, with tons of flowers in the front yard. It was a two story house with white siding. Your classic nice house with a nice family. 

Sophie answered the door after a moment, grinning. "HI!" she exclaimed. 

Ed and I grinned back as she pulled us into a hug "Hello!" I said, hugging her back. 

Sophie finally let us go "everyones finally back together! This is awesome!" she said 

Ed shook his head, his grin widening. "You missed us?!" he asked with a chuckle 

"um...who are you again?" Sophie said in a joking way. I shook my head, and asked frantically "Where is everyone?!" 

From the kitchen I heard a voice yell "IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS?!" followed by none other than Harry Styles walk through the dinning room and to where we stood at the front door. 

"Hey!" Ed said as he gave harry a bro hug. 

While they exchanged hello-s, Niall had emerged from the dinning room and had me in a hug before i realized what was going on. "Jordan!" he sang. 

I laughed and hugged him back tightly "Niall!"

He pulled back "how are you?!" he asked. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the other boys enter the room as well. 

We all chatted for a good five minutes, making our way into the kitchen, where Sophie's sister Mary sat. No one had brought up any of my wounds yet. After catching up with Mary, who i hadn't seen in weeks, Zayn broke up our conversatin with a joke about how Mary still got super excited to see Ed, seeing as she was a fan as well as a friend. Ed was of course flattered, resting his chin on the top of Mary's head as she bushed. 

Everything was actually going pretty well. Liam and I talked about the insane dreams we both had the previous night. Louis and I ended up arm wrestling (after a good fight, i sadly lost). Harry and I had a dicussion about a beanie he let me borrow a few years ago that I never quite returned. 

It wasn't until Sophie asked "dude whats up with your chin?" that things started to go downhill. I had takn my splints off, and was wearing jeans and a sweater. Most of the worst bruises were covered but the one on my chin was a ittle more difficult to hide. 

Ed stopped the conversation Mary and him had been having to look over at me. 

I knew I would need to tell them what happened eventually but not now, when everything was going so well. 

Ed gave me a comforting look, which made me feel better for a quick moment. 

"I..just fell. On a rock." I said with a straight face. 

Everyone accept Ed and Mary burst into laughter. 

"YOU'RE SO STUPID!" Sophie said between laughs. 

Mary looked extremly concerned "are you ok?!" she asked. 

I gave her a smile and nodded "I'm alright!" I said. Mary was always really sweet, and I really didnt need to worry her with my horrid love life. 

As the laugheter began to die down Ed gave me a tiny smile and a single nod. 

I had began to think the worst was over, when Louis had asked a question I was in no way prepared for. 

"so are you and Ed a thing now?" he had asked before simply taking a sip of his beer. 

My eyes went huge as I looked over at Ed, he had shown the same reaction as me. 

"" i had began to say when Harry cut in "No shes dating that Hunter guy, remember?" 

I blinked. 

Niall made a face "I just don't really like him.." he seemed to have thought out loud. 

Ed and I looked exchanged intense looks of panic. 

"OH! Did Jordan and Ed get a little cozy?" Harry asked with a smirk and an eyebrow wiggle. 

"NO." Ed and I said at the same time. The two of us began to ramble aimlessly about how that would never happen. 

I started to talk with my hands, saying "I mean like, what? Ed hes-hes basically my brother! We wouldn't do something like that i mean-ew! well-not ew. I didn't mean that, love-" 

"Love?" Sophie asked, now grinning as well. 

"I ship it." Mary said, which earned her a high five from Zayn. 

I covered my face with my hands. This couldn't be happening. 

"Guys! Come on!" Liam said, gesturing towards me. 

"Oh we were just kidding!" Sophie laughed 

"Ok well it wasn't funny!" I snapped. 

The room went silent for a moment. 

"ok dude I'm sorry." Sophie said 

I sighed. 

"Hunter gave me it." I forced out. 

"gave you what?" Niall said, standing. 

Ed looked down. 

I looked up from the palms of my hands, eyes slighty glassy a the thought, and pointed at the bruise on my chin. 

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