Chapter 15

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||GUESS WHO'S BACK?! Sorry I Was gone for so long...I've been having major issues lately. But. I'm back now! So! Vote up, reccomend, leave comments! ILYSM!||

||Chapter 14||

Once Hunter had slammed the door shut I crouched next to Ed, franticly trying to make sure he was ok.

"oh my god are you ok?!" I asked as I took his face and checked it for bleeding, which there was none of.

"I'm fine-are you ok?!" he asked sitting up slightly.

I didn't really feel ok, there was a really sore spot on my back and my jaw seemed to radiate pain. But that didn't really matter right now. Ed was hurt.

I nodded and continued to inspect his face.

I suppose Ed picked up on my urgency because he removed my hands from his orange stubble and cupped them in his. "I'm ok." he said.

I exhaled deeply. I wasn't gonna let him off that easy but I could pipe down for a moment.

Ed's eyes flickered to my jaw. "now are you ok?" he asked.

I nodded quickly, still studying his face for any signs of injury intently.

Ed looked at me, but I was too busy trying to see where Ed was hurt to respond.

He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "it's're ok. I'm ok." he cooed.

I finally moved my gaze up from his cheek to his eyes. They were soft and forgiving, something Hunter's eyes never were.

I sighed and looked down. "I need to go home Ed." I hated the thought but I knew it was true. I didn't want Ed getting hurt again.

Ed shook his head, "no! You can't go back to Hunter now!"

"well I can always call Lauren...or my dad if I need to. But I can't stay here. If Hunter were to come and seriously hurt you i would never be able to forgive myself." I had to force the words out.

Without warning Ed cupped my face with his hands, "I promised I was going to keep you safe and that's just what I'm going to do."

I didn't know what to say. I wanted to stay here with Ed, more 

Than anything given the situation. I just couldn't put him in danger.

"just...please. Just for tonight." he said in such a hushed tone it was almost a whisper.

I stayed silent for a moment, weighing my options. Hunter probably wasn't going to be back tonight so I accepted the offer.

Ed gave me a small smile and kissed my forehead before leaning against the wall.

I sat next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

Ed picked up my hand and started playing with my fingers (or splints rather) causing a small smile to spread across my face.

The smile soon faded as I let out the words, "I'm so sorry."

Ed looked from my hand to my eyes in an instant. "you have nothing to be sorry for." he stated.

I glanced down then looked back up at him, "you got hurt...because I ran to you for help."

He shook his head slowly, "I'm 

Not hurt, love. And even if I was, it would in no shape be your fault. I would never, ever blame you for this."  

I swallowed hard, how was it that he just ALWAYS knew what to say?!

I said the words "thank you" in such a small voice it was difficult to hear.

A small smile hit Ed's lips as he stood.

After being helped up, I followed Ed into the kitchen.

"so...what did Stuart want?" I asked trying to change the subject.

Ed grabbed his car keys, "oh-he was just introducing me to some people. They're the managers for this gig I'm playing on Saturday. Not touring or anything, just a gig!"

"I see!" I said.

Ed walked into his laundry room and opened the door that lead into the garage.

"what are you doing?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows.

He gave me a small smile, "WE are going to get YOU some hot chocolate."

Ok so hot chocolate was my favorite thing ever. Literally.

I grinned despite my aching jaw and walked over to him.

"that sounds perfect." I said.

We jumped into Ed's car and began towards a Starbucks that was a few minutes away from the house. I flipped on the radio and to my delight, Ed's song Lego House was playing.

Ed went crimson and began to change the station but I covered the dial that controlled the radio with my hand.

"I THINK I LOVE YOU BETTER NOW!" I sang along with Ed's voice.

Ed turned even a darker shade of red "stop!" he said with a laugh and a grin.

"why?!" I asked playfully, "I just think its a delightful song!" I turned the radio up.

By the next chorus I had Ed singing with me.

"oh my this happening?!" I joked. "is ED SHEERAN SINGING RIGHT NEXT TO ME?! IM GONNA FAN GIRL!" I said, faking a MEGA fan girl attack.

Despite the fact he was driving, Ed threw his head back and laughed, his face nearly the color of his hair.

I grinned as the song ended and we approached the Starbucks parking lot. The song Just Give Me A Reason had just come on when Ed threw his door open, stopping it at once.

I followed him into the shop where the thick smell of coffee hit me like a slap in the face. I grimaced slightly, I had ALWAYS hated coffee.

Just then a tall girl with brown hair came up to u. She looked like she was about 15 or so. She had a huge grin on her face as she looked at Ed. "I don't mean to bother you", she began (she had an American accent!) "but I'm a huge fan and I was wondering if it would be too much trouble to get a picture with you."

I smiled at Ed, who smiled at the girl, "of course love." he said.

The girl turned to me, "would you mind?" she held her iPhone out to me. Seeing as she was incredibly polite, I gladly took the phone and snapped a picture of the two of them.

"thank you so so so much!" the girl said to Ed and I.

Ed smiled again, "not a problem ms..."

"Cali." the girl grinned.

"well it wasn't a problem ms. Cali."

I handed Cali back her phone and she thanked us again before walking outside and potentially freaking out to an extent I had never seen.

"look at you!" I said to Ed, "fans everywhere!"

Ed shook his head "oh shut up!"

Broken-an Ed Sheeran fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now