Chapter 28

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"I'm tired." Ed mumbled into his pillow, finally awake after sleeping until noon. I had gotten up and made myself breakfast, showered and crawled back into bed to read some fan fiction all in the time it had taken Ed to wake up. Not that I really minded. I had nothing to do today. He had another show tonight as he so often did, but I would be spending the evening at the house since Ed was going out with the lads after his show..which was now only seven hours away. 

"You slept in till noon and your still tired?" I asked with a laugh, adjusting my reading glasses as the ball of ginger fluff next to me shifted from his pillow to my lap. 

"Don't sass me, blondie." 

"Don't get started with me ginge." 

I could feel Ed's smile spread onto my skin, causing one to spread across my own lips. He sat up so he could plant a lazy kiss on my cheek, but soon fell right back down into the matress. It was clear he had no intentions of doing anything exciting for the next few hours. 

"Should I be a good girlfriend?" I asked, running my fingers through his hair gently. 

"You're a great girlfriend, but what were you thinking could add to that?" he asked, peaking out from his pillow once again. 

"Should I get you breakfast, or should I stay in bed and read about my OTP...what to do.." 

"I swear to god if you make me breakfast I will love you forver." he said, a dead serious tone in his voice. 

I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit, shuffling out of bed and heading towards the door. "You're lucky I'm awesome." I joked one last time before heading towards the kitchen. 

To be completely honest, I wasn't much of a chef. I could bake pretty well, but cooking was a whole different Ed really wasn't surprised when I came up stairs with toastable waffles and irish brakfast tea. 

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouu!" he said with a grin, sitting up so he could enjoy his meal. I plopped down on the bed next to him, sprawling myself out over his legs. 

"I remember when we were little, your mum used to get so mad at you because you always wanted breakfast in bed. Always."  He thought outloud, between forkfulls of waffle. 

"What can I say? I'm a princess!" I admitted, a grin spreading over my face. 

"You are." he smiled back at me, giving me a little wink before continuing his meal. 

"You were a weird kid." I added. 

"I was not!" Ed defended himself, furrowing his brow a little as he did. 

I laughed to myself and shook my head. "You had those huge glasses, and they always got all foggy.." 

"Well thats cause I was nervous!" he said, "I had a huge crush on you." 

"You had a huge crush on Sophie." 

"Well I did when we were really little, but then you moved in and you had an irish accent and I went a little crazy." Ed took a sip of his tea, though it didn't conceal the blush that had creeped its way on to his cheeks, making his red hair seem even redder. 

"So when I talk like this do you just get really turned on?" I asked with a grin, doing my best to over-exaggerate my accent to the best of my ability. 

"Shut up!" Ed's cheeks seemed to be stained red at this point, and it was quite possibly the most adorable thing I had ever seen. 

"Sorry, sorry." I chuckled, curling myself up into a little ball on his lap. "Don't forget you have a show tonight, love. You can't be late to mic checks." 

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