Chapter 9

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||I FINALLY UPDATED!!! Sorry it has been taking me so long! I was really really REALLY sick and it's kind of hard to write a romance novel when you're coughing up your lungs! Anyway! I'm all better now and I'm sorry for the lack of chapters! I'm gonna try to post a few in the next few days though! WOO! Haha! Love you all and thank you so much!!||

||Chapter 9||

We had arrived at Ed's house faster than I expected. We pulled into his driveway at exactly 4:38 damn early for me. Apparently for Ed too. He had large bags under his eyes but still managed to carry on a good conversation.

I watched as Ed unlocked the door and opened the door, inviting me to go in before him.

I gave him a shadow of a smile and stepped inside. He had a very modern house, sleek wooden furniture, it was nice.

Ed flicked on a light as I began to make my way towards the white leather couch, assuming that's where I would be sleeping tonight but stopped when I heard Ed ask, "where are you going?"

"to the couch..." I said turning on my heel towards him.

Ed paused for a moment, "oh I thought you were just gonna sleep in my room-but I mean if this makes you more comfortable.... actually no, I'll sleep on the couch. Yeah, yeah you can take my bed and I've got the couch."

I raised my eyebrows, no way I was letting him take the couch. "no it's really fine! I swear!" I said.

Ed sighed and have me a look I couldn't quite read. "please..." he said.

I sighed in defeat. He had somehow done it again, forced all of my barriers down in an instant.

I walked up to him and have him a lose hug. "thank much." I said.

He hugged me back, obviously trying to be careful not to hurt me, "it's alright love".

I inhaled deeply and rested my head on Ed's chest. "someone's tired..." he said. I chuckled quietly, it was true. I was completely exhausted. "come on!" he said as he lifted me into his arms and began to walk towards the stairs with me on his hip.

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his shoulders for support, if we were going up this way, I wasn't falling!

Ed began to walk up the stairs "I will defiantly try not to drop you!" he said.

The orange glow from the street lamps outside shed in through the giant bay windows of the foyer, allowing some light.

I rested my head on his shoulder with a grin, I could be having the worst day of my life and some how Mr. Ed Sheeran always made it better.

As we approached his bedroom I nuzzled my head into his neck. Knowing that he was there made me feel safe.

He pushed open his door revealing a suprisingly clean bedroom. "here we are love" he said.

I smiled tiredly as he walked me over to the bed and set me down. "thank you." I said.

Ed gave me a warm smile, "not a problem at all!" he said. "oh here," he said as he ran over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of sweats and an oversized grey t-shirt. "this way you won't have to sleep in a cocktail dress..."

I chuckled and gladly took the clothes from him. "thank you again...I really appreciate it." I said in a small voice.

Ed sat on the bed next to me and pulled me in for a hug before kissing my temple where a bruise was. "anything for you" he said quietly.

We stayed in the hug a bit longer than I expected. It wasn't awkward or anything, in fact it was kind of nice, just long. After a while though he let go and smiled at me. "goodnight love." he finally said.

"goodnight." I said with a smile. He stood and walked to the doorway but before he left he turned towards me.

"if you need anything, anything at all don't hesitate to come get me-"

"goodnight Ed." I cut him off.

He smiled at me and closed the door but right before I did I heard a quiet, "goodnight."

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