Chapter 21

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Sophie got Ed and I breakfast, where we enjoyed a conversation that didn't revolve around Hunter or last night. We talked about Sophie's honeymoon and about Mary and what she was doing (she was still pretty young, 17, so she was still living with Sophie's parentss). It was actually a somewhat nice morning. 

Eventually Ed and I got back in the car and started where. If we really were going to a hotel I would have to get some clothes, and considering I'd been wearing the same few T-shirts over the past few weeks, I really wanted something else to wear. Going back to my apartment wasn't an option, Hunter would be there. Though he did work, and it was a Friday...

I pulled into the parking lot of the flatcomplex and told Ed to stay in the car, I would be back in a few minutes. I ran up the stairs, and after digging through my purse for a minute, unlocked the door and ran inside. 

Hunter and I had a nice place, slightly bohemian, lots of art, all that stuff. When you first walk in, theres a small hallway that leads you into the kitchen and living room, then to the right was our room and our bathroom and to the left was Hunter's office which doubled as where I kept my insane amount of books. 

I ran into our room and grabbed a duffle bag and began filling it with as many clothes as I could, my tooth brush, hair brush, some make up, my laptop (and all my chargers) and of course, a few of my books. I stuck to my favorite collection of Poe's works, the third Harry Potter book and The Fault In Our Stars. This was it. Probably (and hopefully) the last time I would ever have to step foot in this place. I had to admit I was gonna miss it. Not Hunter, just the appartment in general. It had grown to be my home, even with Hunter and I was being forced to leave it because I had a dick for a boyfriend. It was horrible. 

Though I had Ed. He cared about me. He might be the only one, but he cared. And that was enough for me. 

I stood in the door frame for a moment, taking it all in. There, the coffee maker I used soley for the  purpose of making hot chcolate. Sometimes Hunter would come up and hug me from behind while I was making in it. I would turn my head in surirpse and he would kiss me and smile and it seemed so perfect. There, the blanket Hunter and I had cuddled in only once or twice drapped over the couch. Usually when we did he would want to have sex and I wouldn't and we would fight and wake the neighbors. There, the wall Hunter pushed me against and beat the shit out of me on. 

I felt tears sting my eyes, so i just closed the door and began walking down the hall. 

I walked down the stairs and back into the parking lot, where Ed sat in the car. I got in the car and looked at the ginger boy who now sat beside. He gave me what was one of the saddest smiles I've ever seen. It looked apologetic almost. He leaned across the seat and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, though I wasn't sure what it was for. 

"Don't ever try to hurt yourself again." he said. 

The words lingered in the air for a moment. I said nothing. I couldn't promise anything. So instead, I kissed Ed on the forehead and gave him a small smile. 

After I pulled out of the hug, I felt like a knife had just been plunged into my chest. Ed looked like a kicked puppy, and it was because of me. 

He settled in his seat again, eyes sad. I buckled my seat belt and started the car, trying not to think about causing pain to Ed, or myself. 

We drove in silence until I pulled into the parking lot of a cheap motel. It was probably all I could afford right now. I worked in a shop, and hadn't worked in weeks. 

I looked over at Ed to say something, but he was already out of the car and on his way inside. 

I grabbed my bag and followed, still in that ear shattering silence. 

The whole establishment was steryotypical motel. There was red carptetting with gold design, pictures of places to see in London hanging on the walls, and it smelled like smoke, despite the "no smoking" sign in the lobby.

Ed approached the front desk, where a sweaty, thin man with greased back hair was standing. 

"Hi um, one room..please." Ed said, eyeing the man as he did. 

The man wiggled his eyebrows and flickered his eyes at me. "Oh! I see I see.." he smirked. EW. GOD WHAT A PERV. 

Eds face went a deep shade of red. "NO! No we're not.." Ed sighed, giving up trying to defend our case. 

"So if I hear any screamin' I won't call the cops, right?" he asked with a wink. 

oh that was just revolting. 

I scoffed ad walked up to the desk, next to Ed. "Actually we're comin here because I have no where else to go since my boyriend is an abusive asshole. We will not be having sex, but if we do, please feel free to ask about it whenever. Now give me my goddamn key." 

The man said nothing, but quickly fumbled to find our key, and handed it to me without another word. 

Ed and I walked to our room (which was room 12 on the first floo)r. It reaked more of smoke here than anywhere else. The "cream" wallpaper had chipped in places and the carpert had a very large stain by the TV. Best part? There was one bed. 

I adjusted my bag and sighed, it would have to do. 

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