Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Ed Sheeran(:

||Ek! Thank you guys SO much for reading!!!! I'm really excited about this and I hope you guys are enjoying it! Pretty pretty please don't forget to comment and vote up(: hehehe! If you guys have your own fan fics let me know it the comments and I'll check 'em out!||

  ||Chapter 6|| 





 I hung up the phone, my entire body radiating with horrible pain. All I could feel was this pain. It was completely consuming every inch of my body. My head pounded, making the bruise on my temple hurt even more. My fingers felt like they had been shattered into a million pieces. I took a deep breath and tried to block out the pain, but this only resulted in my chest hurting from being kicked so many times. My mind seemed fuzzy and nothing seemed real. It almost felt like all of this was a nightmare that I despretly needed to wake up from but I knew I couldn't. This was real no matter how much I wished it wasn't.  

A few minutes passes but it felt like an eternity. I slowly turned my sore neck towards the glass doors and saw two headlights pulling into the parking lot. After the black mustang parked, a man with fiery red hair in his pajamas emerged from the vehicle and began to run towards the complex. Ed. He burst through the doors and a mix of horror and concern filled his eyes.  "oh my god..." he said after a moment. I couldn't say anything back. I didn't know what to say and talking in general hurt. "come here." he said as he ran up to me. I sat up a bit, but couldn't really go over to him. In one swift motion, Ed scooped me up and had me in his arms princess style. The sensation caused more pain, making me cringe and whimper a bit. Ed's eyes filled with sadness as he studied my face. I'm sure I was an absolute mess but I hadn't seen myself since before the wedding. I'm sure my blonde hair was tangled, and the mascara that I wore on my hazel eyes had run. I was almost positive I had a black eye too, and I knew I had a nose bleed. 

Ed kissed my forehead softly and began to run towards the doors with me hanging limply in his arms. He used his back to open the doors and took me to his car. He managed to open the door and set me in the passenger seat all while carrying me. Once he had set me down he buckled my seatbelt for me then closed the door. I felt completely helpless. I knew that I should be trying to help a little more than I was but every-time I moved even the slightest bit I went through extreme pain. Ed jumped into the drivers seat and quickly put the car in reverse, and pulled out of the flat's complex. 

I blinked a few times before forcing out the words, "where are we going?" 

Ed glanced over at me, "to the hospital love." he said. 

I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply as a response. 

"...Did Hunter do this to you?" Ed asked after a minute. 

I didn't really know how to respond...I mean he had done this to me but I just couldn't say it. Something about the thought of him hurting me made me feel more miserable than any of the physical pain I was feeling right now. But I couldn't lie to instead of saying anything I gave the smallest nod as humanly possible. 

I suppose Ed picked up on the gesture. The grip he held on the steering wheel tightened with rage as his gaze returned the rode. He said something under his breath then glanced back at me. His expression immediately softened as well as his grip on the wheel. He took a deep breath. "I'm so, so sorry." he said softly. 

Before I got the chance to respond Ed did something for a split second made all of my pain go away. Something that made the whirlpool of emotion the spiraled in my mind stand still for a moment. Something that made me feel completely safe. Extremely gently, without putting pressure on my fingers, Ed took my hand. 

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