Chapter 26

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||IMPORTANT: Ok so there has been a bit of confusion on the topic, and I am extremly sorry for that. For those of you who have kept up with this fic when I first published it, you may or may not remember Sophie's offical husband's name is Robby, though as I have contnued, there has been a romance developed between Harry and Sophie. To stop any further confusion, I would like to make it known that Sophie is infact married to Harry, and the confusion before was completly my fault! I'm so sorry and if you have any questions feel free to ask me below! oh and I would love you forever if you would vote this up for me. It helps me out a lot. Y'all are the best!||

The next month consisted of nothing less than the absolute best days of my life. Ed and I continued staying in a shit hole of a motel, but we made it our own. We would go out and get breakfast somewhere, laughing and making weird faces at each other all the while. If Ed had somewhere to go for work, I would go hang out with Sophie or Louis or Niall. Everyone was supportive of the relationship and it finally seemed like everything was working out. The best bit: Hunter hadn't come near me. Not once. It seemed like he had even started to move least a little. He hadn't called or texted me, he never ran into me on the street or went by Ed's house looking for me. I was even starting to believe he might have gotten another girlfriend along the way. Though I had never technically broken up with him, he didn't seem to want any part of the relationship either. And now it was a new year. A fresh start in my eyes. No beatings. No insanity. No hurt. I had never been happier. 

And thank god, a new home. Despite the fact that Ed and I had done our best to neaten up the motel we were staying in, there was far too much damage for cofort level, and we agreed that it was okay for us to go back to Ed's house. We were on our way back to house, duffle bags in our hands and we prepared ourselevs to move back in somewhere we both could call home. Ed had invited me to live with him, saying that even if Hunter never came back again, that he wanted me to stay. My heart warmed at the thought of waking up next to him every morning, and I smiled around my bag as we pulled into his driveway. 

"We should do something tonight," he stated, pulling the key out of the ignition. "Maybe you, Sophie, the lads and I can all go out for a drink?" 

Ah yes, that was Ed. A classic british boy. He loved to drink. He wasn't an alcoholic and he never got too crazy, but he did love to drink, and god knows he had fun every time he did. "Sure!" I said witha smile, nodding in agreement. "But first, lets finish getting packing up. Don't get ahead of yourself, Sheeran." I teased. 

Ed hummed a small noise before leaning over form the drivers seat and kissing me lazily. I would of pushed him back and made him start bringing some things inside, but I couldn't tear myself form him.  He was the kind of person that one needed constant contact with. Maybe that was just my affection for him talking, but there was nothing better than the feeling of his hands on my cheeks, his lips working against mine, and his breath against my chin. Yeah. It was the best feeling ever, and even though we did have stuff to do (especially if he wanted to go out tonight) I was willing to set it all aside just a moment longer. Of course, a moment soon turned to a minute, and I had to snap out of the trance he had put me in, in order to continue functioning like a normal human. I pulled my head back quickly, a blush turning my pale cheeks rosy. 

"You don't want my kissie?" he fake-puted, sticking his lower lip out in an over dramatic way. 

I rolled my eyes and pecked him once more on the lips, laughing a little to myself. "I love your kisses, but we have things to do. Now go!" I chuckled, swatting him out of the car. 

With that, the two of us went inside and, holding both of our bags in are arms, walked back into Ed's room. I began by asking where it was okay to put my things (which he didn't seem to care about), before shifting through the closet and making enough space for some of my clothes. I hung them all up quickly, kicking my shoes off and placing them neatly in the closet as well. I walked to the bathroom and put my toothbrush and toothpaste in one of the cabniets, as well as my make up. My shampoo and conditioner were tossed in the shower with some not so manly smelling body wash and I was good to go. As much as this was a new enviorment for me, i had been here so many times. I was with Ed when he first bought the house, and I was wtth him when it first became my home. Thats what it was now, a home, and adding all of my possesions only served as a message to all that this was infact just as much my space as it was Ed's. There was something else that came with the house though. A feeling. A sort of feeling I couldn't really describe. It felt like nerviousness, but it wasn't...I was happy, and content, and the moment I saw Ed I knew what it was: I was in love. 

No matter how much I tried to escape it (as if I would want to), he always found his way back into my life and made it diffictult for me to focus on anything but him. I felt an overwhelming sense of protectivness, like I needed to take care of him and make sure he was happy no matter what the cost. It was a feeling I wasn't used to...a feeling Hunter never would of given me, and never could give me. Not that I needed it anymore. I had Ed now, and he had me, and I could honestly say that I loved him. 

Ed came into the bathroom, where I stood holding a bottle of face wash. He wapped his arms around my waist so he could plant the most delicate of kisses on my neck, causing me to grin from ear to ear. "You're lovely." he muttered against my ear, bringing some of my dirty blonde hair to my free shouder. I shuttered slightly, turning my head so I could try and get a glimpse of his face. He brought his eyes up from my skin, only allowing them to flicker and consume me at once. I turned my body towards his, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him gently, not willing to let him go anytime soon. I felt him smile against my lips as I did a small hop and wrapped my body around his. He supported my waist, not letting me drop as my legs curled around torso. He began to stagger himself backwards, until we were laying on the bed, never parting our lips once. 

We had gotten to this point before, many times actually. I could feel how much love and affection he felt for me, but it wasn't unti now that I could completely do the same. I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to pump as many ounces of passion into the kiss as pshyically possible. Though the main thing that set this apart from all of the other times, was that this time, we didn't stop. 

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