Chapter 10

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||Chapter 10||

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" was what woke me up the next morning. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself still in Ed's bedroom. There was a loud clash coming from somewhere downstairs. The kitchen maybe.

"SHUT UP SHEERAN!" I heard someone say. Their voice was dripping in hate and their words were filled with absolute bitterness. Hunter.

I sat up at the sound of Hunter's voice and clutched the comforter.


I heard another large bang I began to go frantic. If Hunter was hurting Ed I don't know how I would live with myself. I would be the only reason Hunter would ever hurt Ed, and I could not let that happen.

I sprang to my feet and began to run down the hall to the stairs. I was surprised at how little pain I felt considering how beaten up I was.

I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen revealing Ed being shoved into a wall by Hunter.

"HUNTER STOP!" I demanded as I jumped into the kitchen.

"Jordan!" Ed exclaimed.

I looked from Ed to Hunter. Ed didn't look scared but i knew what Hunter was capable of.

"oh look who it is..." Hunter said as he glared at me. He let go of Ed and began to make his way towards me. Ed fell to the ground on all fours but his head darted up towards me. I began to back up but ended up running into a wall. Of course.

I felt a cold hand wrap around my neck and pin me against the wall.

His grip was tighter than any other time he had done this and it was already becoming extremely difficult to breathe. "Hunter...stop..." Were the only words I was able to squeeze out.

Ed spirited up behind him, "HUNTER!" he screamed.

Seeming to ignore Ed, Hunter reached into his pocket and in one swift minion pulled out a dagger. He waved it in front of my face for a moment. I cowered at the sigh of it and saw Ed do the same.

Hunter let go of my neck and before I even realized what was happening, plunged the dagger into Ed's chest.

"ED!" I screamed in absolute horror. Ed fell to the ground and I rushed to his aid but Hunter wasn't finished, he pulled the dagger from Ed's chest.

Blood began to pool between Ed and I as tears stung my eyes. This couldn't be happening.

I saw Ed slowly flutter his eyed closed, "no no no no please don't close your eyes!" I said.

As I franticly tried to help Ed in what ever way I could, I saw the shadow of the knife raising above me-

"JORDAN!" Ed nearly screamed, looming above me. It was dark. I was in bed. It was just a dream.

Ed's hands clutched my shoulders and his blue eyes flooded with concern.

My cheeks felt cold and it was obvious I had been crying in my sleep. I didn't care though, Ed was ok. It had just been a dream.

I reached up and pulled Ed down into a hug. Despite the fact that he was basically on top of me, he hugged me back, slowly stroking the back of my head for comfort.

"what happened?" he asked quietly.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself down; "I just had a really...really bad dream that's all." I said.

Ed pulled out of the hug and studied my face "I'm here now though...nothing's gonna hurt you." he said cooly.

I gave a small nod and began to relax again. Ed rolled over next to me, "it's ok..." he said, gently pulling me over closer to him.

I rested my head on his chest as I felt one of his arms drape around me.

"sleep." he said calmly. I looked up at him but before I could say anything he once again said "sleep."

I rested my head back on his chest and closed my eyes all without saying a word. Ed was ok. That was all that mattered.

Broken-an Ed Sheeran fan fictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن