Chapter 4

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||this chapter may get a little violent...sorry! It wont be too bad though! Again don't forget to vote up and comment! (: love you all! Thanks again||

||Chapter 4||






Horror filled my eyes as my cheek began to sting with pain. Hunter had only hit me one other time than this and it's when I already had plans with Sophie so I couldn't "stay home" with him. But he apologized right away and basically started crying about how he would never hurt me again so I just let it go.

I expected that to be it, I would walk away with a red cheek but it would be fine. But not this time....

"Can you just tell me?!" Hunter said before pinning me against the door.

I could feel myself trembling in fear now, "t-tell you what...?" I asked in shaky voice.

"Don't give me that shit!" Hunter screamed before taking his huge hand and wrapping it around my neck. He held me against the door, his green eyes looking dead and cold. I tried to answer but the grip he had on my neck restricted me.

"YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH HIM AREN'T YOU?!" he asked. I shook my head violently but stopped when he punched me in the nose. One of the tears that I had been holding in earlier rolled down my cheek. Hunter finally let go of my neck, unpinning me. I fell to my knees and began to pant.

"YOU ARE SLEEPING WITH HIM! YOU SAID IT WAS OVER AT ONE BUT YOU WERE WITH ED UNTIL TWO!" Before I had time to respond he kicked me in the stomach. A few more tears fell from my eyes and the horrible pain knocked the wind out of me.

I curled up into a little ball, "we-we're not sleeping together!" I tried to explain.

"oh Sureeeee-you're not sleeping together! You're just having sex on a daily basis!" he hissed.

I looked up at him and shook my head. I put my hand down, intending to use it to help me stand back up, but when I did Hunter stepped on it, breaking my pointer finger. I whimpered in agonizing pain. He stepped on each one of my fingers, breaking them all in the process.

"Hunter," I began "Please stop..." I began to weep, hoping he would have some pity on me. I guess I was wrong because next thing I know he has punched me in my right temple. I started bawling all over again and tried to crawl towards the door. Bad move.

"AND WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING YOU LITTLE SLUT?!" Hunter screamed. He took my hair and tugged on it, keeping me from getting any further. He pulled me next to him, and crouched so I was eye level with him.

"I could of given you that," he said softly "I could of been everything you ever wanted...but you had to go and ruin it for yourself.". In one swift motion he he pushed me against the door, making my neck snap back, causing the back of my head to bang against the door.

"I-I'm not sleeping with Ed...We're just friends!" i said desperately. His response was punching me across the face. Every part of my body surged with pain. My head pulsed more waves of excruciating horror. Hunter mumbled something under his breath and slashed my face one last time. I slid down the door in defeat, feeling broken. I glanced up to see hunter slamming our bedroom door. He was done with me for the night.

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