Chapter 31

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Two days had passed. Two awful, awful days. I had slept on Sophie’s couch for most of it, but when I was awake I was constantly asked question after question. “Why were you even out there?” “Why didn’t you call?” “Didn’t someone know you were there?” It was all exhausting. 


I tried to eat, but my stomach had seemed to shrivel up and replace itself with a constant feeling of nausea. That just raised more questions. “Are you feeling alright?” “Do you need to go to the doctor?” “Are you sure you’re not hungry?” 


But worse than that, was a subject that was constantly dwelled on. “Should we take you to Ed’s house?” “Did you two get in a fight?” “What did he do?” “What did you do?” “Why won’t you just call him?” 


No one seemed to understand it though. I was uninterested in life at the moment. So I was uninterested in their questions and I was uninterested in the answers. I just wanted function again. So I spent two days sleeping and pretending to eat and giving the same answers to the same people a thousand times until I was going mad. As if I hadn’t gone mad already.  


After two days of sleeping on Sophie’s couch, the guilt of the entire situation had started to eat me away. I hated the thought of barging into her home and living with her and her fairly new husband just because my life was such a wreck. I packed my tiny bag of things and went to the only place I knew I could stay: another shit motel. This one, however, was far worse than the others. The mattress was half off the bed frame, there was hardly any flow from the tap, and there was a small bee hive in the corner. Unfortunately it was the only thing I could afford. I applied for jobs, though I hadn’t heard back from any of them. I was surviving solely on the money left in my savings account (which was running dry quickly). 


I thought a lot. I thought about how I had messed up my life. When I was a teenager, I had always read about strong women in books and TV shows. Thats who I wanted to be. I suppose I was strong. I survived quite a bit, and I was putting up a fight, but I hadn’t really been given an opportunity to show how “strong” I was. This wasn’t a fairytale. I didn’t have problems like an evil step mother to build up my character’s strength. All I had were some ex boyfriends and a broken heart. Turns out it was a lot harder to be strong than I thought. When your entire life is against you, its a lot harder to be anything but sad. 




Tap tap tap. 


I woke up to someone knocking on my door lightly. 


It must be the wrong room. The only person who would come and see me is Sophie, and she would have called. 

Tap tap tap. 


There was the knock again. 


This time I stood. I glanced at the mirror that was propped against the wall. My sweats and T-shirt didn’t look the best, and my blonde hair was a bit of a wreck but I honestly couldn’t care less. 


Tap tap tap. 


“For god’s sake, I’m coming!” I called as I pulled my hair into a bun atop my head. I shuffled towards the door and swung it open, wanting to get whoever it was out as soon as possible.  

Broken-an Ed Sheeran fan fictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora