Arsenic - 29 + 30 March, 2022

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This is likely going to be up on the 30th unless I magically write an entire entry in 10 minutes, but everything written {including time terms such as 'today'} refer to the 29th.

And oh boy, was today pretty chaotic.

The unidentified alter turned out to not know who they were, but apparently talking to one of my friends made them 'recall' that they're a Bloons fictive. Apparently my brain's been splitting several of them lately because we recently split off a new protector who's a little too far into the grey area of protector/persecutor. This has stressed me out quite a bit- apparently enough to cause tons of splitting. That also implies polyfragmentation {splitting several alters from an event that isn't excessively tramatic CAN be a sign of polyfragmentation} which means I could end up discovering 100+ alters. Considering the current 18-19 headcount... that's not much progress if it's true. Of course, that's just a hypothetical scenario.

I'm not sure whether this new alter is okay with me sharing information about them, so I'm not gonna say anything else about who they are or what their personality is like. I'll have to ask them whenever they're available if they're okay with something like that.

In the meantime, I was absent from school today. Yesterday I was already pretty sick and I almost passed out, but I've taught myself to hide when I'm sick so I just put on a mask and pretended I was fine. The only person who even realized I was sick was my bestie, and that's because I literally told them I was sick so they were looking for it. Even then, they only noticed when I was about to pass out because I suddenly got really space-y and even I could tell I was pretty dazed. Then when I got home I was trying not to vomit, so I checked my temperature. It was just under the medical definition of a fever, so I decided to stay home from school today.

I'm SO glad I did that. I woke up and immediately thought, "Damn, I thought yesterday was miserable?" Yeah, there's no way I wouldn't have passed out or puked or something if I'd gone to school.

So how did I take care of myself to expedite my recovery? I played hardcore Subnautica because as everyone knows, stress is great when you're sick and will greatly improve immune functions! /sarc

No, seriously, I just played a bunch of Subnautica. And Bloons Pop because the littles wanted me to but I only care about my beloved Subnautica. I was about to explore the Degasi base in the jellyshroom caves, but I got worried about possibly getting stuck on the walls, being physically unable to move, and dying from drooping stingers like I did on my first playthrough. Obviously since this is hardcore, I couldn't have that. I also got like 40% condition eaten from my Seamoth by a crabsnake as I was trying to psyche myself up. I didn't even know they could damage your Seamoth!! I knew they could still aggro while you're inside, but I didn't know they'd do damage. Well, anyways, I repaired my Seamoth and then decided I'd go inside at the start of my next session so if I was dying, I could task manager close the game and not lose any significant progress {hopefully that won't still save it or my plan goes to waste}.

Or option B, I'll look up what's inside and see if I need anything in there, and if I don't then I'll just get the magnetite I need and leave...

Damn, and I thought building a base in the grassy plateaus a little too close for comfort to the crash zone and some tiger prawns was a dangerous place to live. Yes, that's where I built my fucking base and I don't know why. I hate it with every fiber of my being but I'm too lazy to move it.

Okay, enough Subnautica ramblings from me. Back to the system drama I think is probably more interesting to read about.

Alchemist, uncoincidentally a Bloons fictive, REALLY wanted to play BTD6. Like... really badly. I said I'd let them play after I was done with Subnautica, but once I was finished playing they said they wanted to play a Bloons game on mobile instead. I said we couldn't afford to put BTD6 on mobile, but I'd see what Bloons games were free in the Play Store. They saw Bloons Pop and decided they wanted to play it, so I downloaded it. But then because the body's sick they didn't wanna actually front to play it, they just wanted to watch from a distance where they couldn't feel how miserable the body is right now. And that's how I ended up playing Bloons Pop for like 7 hours straight while Alchemist watched for their own entertainment. Honestly, the only thing I liked about it was the Blooncinerator because its design has always been pog champ for me. Alchemist, on the other hand, seems to think it's one of the best games ever made. It ruins the perfectly good Bloons name and puts cash grabbing at the heart of it, but not enough to be completely unbearable.

By the time Alchemist was done watching me play Bloons Pop, it was nearly 23:30. Damn, that's a lot of time.

Also, before anyone asks, I'm still not sure if I want to go to school tomorrow. It'll probably just end up depending on how shitty I think I'll be feeling tomorrow.

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