Arsenic +1 - 2. April, 2022

20 0 11

Right now, Alchemist is co-conscious. I've tasked myself with carefully supervising them for at least all of today because of something that happened.

It started with another trauma nightmare. This time, it was about a yandere who convinced my dad to set me up in an arranged marriage with them, and to 'win my heart' the creepy yandere kept taking me on luxurious trips. They also decided that raping me would be a great way to accomplish this goal as well, and I was too scared about what could possibly happen if I told anyone about it because I knew the yandere wouldn't hesitate to retaliate.

I woke up extremely tired and freaked out, and then when I checked the time I realized it was 11:30. Wow, I REALLY slept in. If I'm not awake by 9:30 then it's kinda abnormal, for context.

Anyways, as you might have guessed, that trauma nightmare didn't sit well with any of us. We were all pretty distressed by that nightmare, and the protectors started checking on everyone as fast as they could in order to prioritize who needed comfort the most first. That's when they found Alchemist sitting alone in a room tying a noose. When they were asked why they were tying it, they said it was for 'practice.' Yeah, that rang a LOT of alarm bells.

I heard the commotion and went over to see what the hell was going on, and Tanya filled me in. Since Alchemist is pretty close to me, I chose to comfort them because I figured they might be more comfortable with me than a protector, and plus tons of other alters needed to be comforted so it'd take a little pressure off the protectors' shoulders. I think the only reason Tanya and CFO agreed to it was because there were so many other alters that needed help.

Either way, now I'm watching over Alchemist for at least all of today and I don't really mind. It's nice to know I'm actively helping at least one other alter, and it seems like Alchemist isn't uncomfortable with the arrangement. I'm also checking in with them periodically to ask if they're still feeling suicidal because I know I'm not gonna magically fix everything by just being there and trying to help them. I also know that sometimes things go from 0 to 100 in a split second and you'll be suddenly hit with an intense urge to die.

I was gonna start drawing the lost river today because I wanted to get started on it ASAP, but since Alchemist is here, I don't wanna bore them with me making the same piece of art for 7 hours so I might just play Bloons TD 6 and grind for more monkey money. We're just short of 3K so we need more anyways... and hopefully not have me rage on elite Lych and blow thousands of monkey money on restarts again. I just need to accept the sad reality that normal boss bloons are way too easy for me, but elite is too hard. I dunno, maybe I just need to big brain it and use NFT guy- I mean Benjamin, specifically for his passive skimming ability and if I remember correctly he also gives a small buff to banana farms. Usually I use Etienne on boss bloons for his passive global camo detection and his UCAV...

Okay, enough Bloons ranting. I don't have anything else of substance to add, so I'll stop writing now.

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