Arsenic + Captain Churchill - 16. April, 2022

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It's like 2:30 AM and I'm SUPPOSED to be asleep cuz I have a friend coming over in the morning, but clearly I don't seem too concerned with getting the proper amount of sleep.

Anyways, time for a little report about what 'lovely' things have happened to the system lately.

1. Negotiation got HEATED!
The negotiation between the protectors and trauma holders is still taking place, but lately other alters are saying they've heard some really loud voices from inside the negotiation room when they walk by. We can all also feel tensions rising, which has made us assume we're on the brink of full civil war. Unless the negotiation turns around really fast, things are gonna get quite literally bloody in headspace.

2. I accidentally triggered myself... many times.
I accomplished this one in a few ways of showing off just how fucking stupid I am.
     a. I started bottom shaming Shaun because he started bottom shaming me, and we both know the back and forth banter is hella triggering for both of us. Don't ask me why we're still doing it anyways.
     b. I've been making dirty jokes more often lately, which has also been triggering for me. Normally they're only mildly upsetting to me, but lately not so much and yet I'm still doing it.
     c. I keep thinking about all the trauma that was flooded over to me. I think no further commentary is needed here.
     d. Me threatening to have sex with somebody because my dad called me a whore in a really roundabout annoying way to explain why he wouldn't let my friend spend the night instead of just outright saying he doesn't trust me and thinks I'm a whore. Don't even fucking ask me where my logic is here or what I was trying to accomplish because I don't know! Yeah, to prove I'm not a whore I'll go fuck somebody... because that totally makes sense...
Anyways, I think you get the idea of my neverending stupidity now.

3. Churchill is gay {this is a joke accusation for legal purposes}.
C'mon, the man held my hand without even saying no homo. Pretty fucking gay, ngl.
Okay, in all seriousness, Churchill asked me if I was scared about everything that was going on and I was like, "No shit, Sherlock." I guess he decided that holding my hand would be the best way to calm me down because that's what he proceeded to do. I asked him what the fuck he was doing, so he prompty shushed me and told me to focus on calming down. Next thing I know, not even 20 minutes pass and I fall asleep. My way of paying him back is apparently calling him gay.

{The rest of this was written at like 9 AM cuz I actually got some sleep}

4. Psychopath of a teacher asked what?
Okay, this one is gonna need quite a bit of explanation.
First, it's important to know that the forensics teacher at my school is umm... well, let's just say crazy. She's extremely fascinated with murder and all the details that come with it- when we did the blood unit in her class, her eyes lit up and she got increasingly excited as she talked {along with other concerning examples that show she's not a normal human being}. I'm gonna be honest, the only thing I'd trust her with is finding a serial killer as long as it wasn't secretly her.
Well, just yesterday we ran into her because my chemistry teacher was talking to her and I needed to talk to my teacher. She greeted us as Shaun, so I decided to inform her that I go by Arsenic. She was pretty surprised and asked why and if her class influenced that, and that immediately put off me and Shaun. We thought to ourselves, okay, there's no way we could trust her with actually telling this lunatic about our DID. We need to lie FAST. So, I smiled and said, "Hmmm, I guess you can take partial credit," and left because I needed to go make up a chemistry test I missed. As a side note, I have to make up more chemistry tests than I'm actually present for.

5. Drama with Alchemist
Yesterday, my late birthday gifts from my uncle arrived. Since he lives far away and my dad hates him {reasonably so, but I won't go into my dad's drama}, the way my uncle sends gifts is by having us tell him what we want. As long as it's on Amazon and everything totals to $50 or less, he doesn't care what it is because he'll buy it. A lot of the stuff I'm now incredibly attached to came from my uncle {Monokuma backpack, periodic table blanket, concerning amounts of art supplies, dream dictionary, etc}.
Well, for my birthday this time I decided that I'd let Alchemist choose one thing they wanted to have. My idea is that I'm gonna have at least one outfit AND one item that every 'main' alter really likes, and I've started with Alchemist. They chose a plushie, and lo and behold the plushie arrived with the rest of our stuff. Cool, great. There's a problem now though.
Protectors don't want trauma holders fronting, and trauma holders don't want protectors fronting because neither side is happy with the other {duh, we're on the brink of civil war from that}. Alchemist is a trauma holder, which means they don't really get to front. That also means they don't really get to enjoy the plushie they just got until the conflict ends. I was able to contact them for a short while and showed them the plushie, then asked what they'd want it named. They wrote, "Name her Strawberry," so the plushie is now a girl and her name is Strawberry. I told Alchemist I'd keep her safe until they could front again, and then because I'm not really supposed to be talking to either side {for fear of the other calling me a biased host} I got the fuck out of there and hoped nobody saw me.
Well, Shaun saw it but I already know he's chill.

Basically... There's lots of crap going on as usual, but the intensity is going up and everyone's on edge about what's gonna happen next. I'm gonna be picking up my friend pretty soon now and I also need to talk about something with Churchill {and call him gay again}, so I'll leave this entry off here.

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