Arsenic - 1. April, 2022

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Look at the attached art I drew today! Not related to literally anything I'm about to talk about, I'm just really proud of it.

Okay, self promotion aside, today was a pretty chaotic day for the system. It was a VERY emotional rollercoaster today but in a good way? Let me just start from the beginning.

I told my dad I could probably hold down McDonald's and not vomit, so he got me some. I actually wasn't very confident I'd hold it down, I just... like McDonald's. Tanya wasn't very happy about me lying in my confidence to not immediately regurgitate the food and scolded me about needing to be more honest about how much I think I can handle. The best part? I didn't even fucking vomit. Take that, Tanya! Okay, in all seriousness, several alters were pretty upset with me and all hell kinda broke loose because they thought the body was gonna throw up again. It was not so fun chaos at first, but now I'm honestly just laughing at everybody. I know, I'm such a great host! {That was sarcasm if you couldn't tell.}

The next thing that happened was that my sister called me, but not just any ordinary call... I'm gonna be visiting her in a few days to celebrate my upcoming birthday and we were making sure the details were correct. My excitement got some littles excited too, and a few of the older alters got curious about what was going on and started asking me questions. It was kinda weird to suddenly be explaining to a bunch of kids and adults that we're gonna go visit my sister in a few days. Then CFO and Patty overheard this and basically said they weren't letting us go without a weapon for self defense because it's gonna be in another city. That was literally their reasoning. I have no clue what the fuck they're envisioning, and I don't wanna know.

Well, at least I know finding a weapon won't be difficult. Almost anything can be made into a weapon with enough effort.

After that entire ordeal was over... remember the art I said was totally unrelated? I lied. I posted it all over social media because I was really proud of it, and it started getting really good praise from people so it made me really happy. So happy that the littles got excited again, and THEN it got pinned by a mod on the official Subnautica Discord server! I was so happy that my euphoria kinda spread to most of the system and we started rapidly switching for several minutes. It was kinda weird and disorienting, but since we were all so happy because of me, we didn't really say much about it. We just kinda kept being happy just because of me... lol. I feel like the memes of the single serotonin molecule going crazy except it's me and it spread like a damn apocalypse.

So yeah... that's the brief overview of what all happened today. Nothing too crazy in terms of events, but for the system it was actually pretty chaotic in headspace. Headspace drama happens basically constantly, but today it just seemed especially strong. Also, I've officially missed 4 days of school and at least 2 tests so I'm not looking forward to getting back from spring break... the body picked a great time to get sick...

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