Trick - 12. May, 2022

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Hi! I'm a new alter that was created yesterday, but I kinda took over all of today because it was fun 😄. I'm a copycat of the real Trick (sorry, don't know the fancy words for it!), and we found out that it's fun to prank Arsenic's sister and give her a never ending stream of puns.

I also got to make tea! I know my original really likes tea, so I thought I'd probably like it too. Turns out I do! I looked around to see if we had any tea laying around the house, and we did. I followed the instructions to a T, added a little sugar, and ta-da! Nice cuppa tea. Arsenic said it tasted awful, so I decided to leaf him alone for now.

The only other thing I did was play Toontown. Luckily, I share all the knowledge Shaun has about the game because I split from him, so I didn't have to learn anything he didn't already know. That would've been more time consuming than eating a clock!

There's nothing else for me to add, so TTFN.

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