Arsenic - 4. May, 2022

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So yesterday, we had a therapy appointment. I'm not gonna explicitly say what was talked about, but I will say that The Boiler wasn't very pleased with the outcome of the appointment. As such, negotiation has started all over again but this time he's not demanding as many things and there's also a lot more of us involved in this process, me included.

As of right now, the only thing I'm gonna say about negotiation is that it's moving along in a pretty civil manner {unlike last time, apparently} and everybody's making compromises instead of everyone listening to the trauma holders just because there's more of them. According to The Boiler, as long as we're actually willing to listen to him, he don't see the need to go that far again.

And with that, that's all I will say about negotiation. The secrecy is mainly because ideas are changing pretty rapidly and I don't wanna confuse people by saying we're gonna do one thing and then we end up doing something completely different; it has nothing to do with needing to be quiet about it or agreeing to stay quiet.

There hasn't been too much other system drama going on lately, at least any that's not petty. I don't think I could ever run out of petty drama to share about headspace.

Exhibit A: Shaun and I had a pointless argument for like an hour at 12 AM. He wanted to talk to 'K' and I wanted to go to sleep, but I said as long as he ACTUALLY talked to 'K' then I'd let him keep us up a little bit {because I know time zones are wack}. This idiot spent so long just psyching himself up that I got annoyed and initiated the conversation for him.

Exhibit B: I may or may not have misplaced Churchill's goggles and he wasn't very happy with me... but we found them so it's okay.

Exhibit C: Alchemist has been interested in Toontown lately, so I've been considering giving them my like 20 laff toon Doctor Midnight because I had no plans for him anyways other than, "Maybe trapless because my main is dropless."

I think you get the idea.

But there was ONE thing that happened today outside of the system that left specifically Alchemist pretty freaked out. Well, me as well but for a different reason.

We were REALLY tired because Shaun stayed up really, really late talking to 'K,' and I kept falling asleep in anatomy only to jerk myself awake seconds later... rinse and repeat. I've suffered through many anatomy lectures literally fighting to keep my eyes open {it's right after lunch which is why I'm always so sleepy}, so I wasn't too bothered by this.

Our workload today was suspiciously light because we only worked on a color sheet in class about neurons and voltage {I'll have to look at it more closely later now that I'm fully lucid}. Anyways, I finished my work like 20 minutes before class got out so I decided to take a power nap. I'm gonna be playing Toontown all night with my sister because we already made that arrangement, and I'm not gonna ruin her livestream by being incredibly tired.

I woke up maybe 5 minutes before class was about to end, and the first thing I noticed when I woke up was that my table partner wasn't in her seat anymore. I thought that was weird, but I figured she'd probably got out of her seat to talk to her other friend or was in the bathroom or something. I started packing my things when I noticed I couldn't see my teacher at her desk, around anyone else, or at the front of the room. Now, that was REALLY bizarre.

And that's when I saw my friend and my teacher in the corner of the room, my friend hunched over a trash can and facing away from the entire class. My anatomy teacher was wearing gloves and holding something, but I couldn't see what it was or what was going on. But since my teacher was wearing gloves, I knew it was nothing good.

My friend's friend packed up her things for her and my teacher moved my friend to the neighboring room {the sports medicine room that my anatomy teacher uses primarily to treat student athletes}. The only words I caught were, "Look in the mirror to try to stop..." and that was it. That's... really concerning.

As I walked out the door, I took a quick peek in the trash can and I saw blood {and heavily bloodstained objects that I didn't look long enough to identify} everywhere. I have no other context for what the fuck happened, but that was enough to be mentally scarring.

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