Arsenic - 13. April, 2022

13 0 5

Guess what happened today? I got an email this morning about a club officer meeting that was apparently happening TODAY and I wasn't made aware of it.

For context, I'm the treasurer of my school's Japanese club. The best part? I'm not even allowed to touch a single penny because the club didn't vote in a treasurer at the beginning of the year, and if you miss the paperwork at the start of the year it's too late. Don't ask me why I'm still considered a club officer because I can't even do anything- all I get is a fancy title that looks cute on my resume and bragging rights I got voted in, I guess. The most help I can be is to try to set up a budget for next year based on absolutely zero data because this club is BRAND NEW. So... even that's not very helpful and would just be blind guesses on a spreadsheet.

Anyways, I was obviously not too happy about the extremely short notice. I don't think I'll even be able to make the meeting because that's just... not enough heads up. CFO even got involved and was tempted to go on a long lecture, but I convinced them not to because we don't really have a leg to stand on. Like... oh no, you forgot to tell your least important 'officer' about the meeting that concerns nothing with finances anyways!

Blegh... with that drama aside, I wanted to talk about something that happened yesterday. I already ranted about how Captain Churchill was one of the alters who ended up fronting during the rapid switching, but I learned something specifically pertaining to him that worried me. When he fronted during that time, he was apparently expecting us to be in the middle of something VERY traumatic. So traumatic that when he fronted, he was out for blood pretty much. Um... just one huge problem: there was nothing remotely traumatic going on, so where the hell did he get that idea from?

The best guess I have is that my extreme anger combined with all the commotion just made him assume the worst, but there's always a chance there's a piece of the puzzle I'm missing. What if somebody specifically said something traumatic was happening, or what if Churchill got really triggered by something which made him assume the worst? I tried to ask him why he thought there was an emergency, but he refuses to tell me. All he does is glare at me in silence when I ask. Yeah, that's not eerie at all. Totally.

Oh, but there's more. Alchemist came back, but they're different now. They can shape shift between the different tiers of alchemist monkeys in BTD6, but I've only seen them shape shift into a tier 5 {specifically the bloon master alchemist} maybe twice or thrice. Right now? They're a total transformation... and the furthest they've gone down middle path previously was tier 3. Something's definitely REALLY wack right now, and the fact it happened to two Bloons fictives in rapid succession doesn't make me feel very good about it.

What does them both being Bloons fictives have to do with it? Well, it could be a coincidence, or it could mean something specifically related to their source material is happening in headspace and all Bloons fictives will be effected. I don't know how likely it is for Churchill to have problems or change at all because he's new, but I at least do know Alchemist often changes and has problems. It's still not a possibility I wanna dismiss, though. Any possible bigger problem should never be ignored. Well, update 31.0 DID just come out for BTD6 so maybe that's it...? Yeah, wishful thinking that the explanation is simple.

It's not even noon by the time I'm posting this entry, but there's already been so much I've gone through today that it feels like at least 3 days just passed in a few hours. Hopefully the rest of my day won't feel so jam packed with system drama.

Periodic System JournalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora