Arsenic +1 - 11. April, 2022

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Hi, I'm here to hyperfixation dump or something because I'm having a huge neurodivergent moment right now. Nothing about DID will be in here so if you're just here for system related things, skip this entry. This is more so just for me to not go insane because nobody in the system wants to hear me rant on and on about it because I've been doing that nonstop already, and everyone I know is asleep because it's like 1 AM on a school night but I can't sleep because I need to talk about this RIGHT NOW!!!

So, here I am ranting so I can peacefully go to sleep.

What's my current obsession? Subnautica speedrunning, DUHH! Anyone who knows me at all knows I've been interested in trying to get into speedrunning Subnautica for quite a while now, and today I finally decided to take a more official plunge into it instead of just picking up tiny things here and there.

Before today, most of what I knew about speedruns {specifically any% glitched on survival because that's the only category I give a shit about to be honest} was:

How to perform the 'super seaglide' glitch, that getting the seaglide was the first/one of the first priorit{y/ies} because of this glitch, there were specific places you'd use a mobile vehicle bay to glitch out of bounds, certain spawns were better than others, you needed to build a Cyclops at some point for the shield generator, stalkers kill lots of runs with their shitty 25% teeth drop rate, you'd normally speedrun on a specific 2018 patch, and that 'ghost storage' is a glitch used a lot.


-I know the code for the captain's quarter's of the Aurora is 2679, needed for getting the neptune escape rocket blueprint. After getting this blueprint, you can safely kill yourself in the fire just outside. To get inside the Aurora, you just need to go through the maintenance hatch.

-I know much more about the technicalities of the 'super seaglide'glitch, which isn't necessary to know for speedrunning purposes but it might help me out a little bit at some point. Knowing crash fish don't target you while performing this glitch and drooping stingers don't hurt you either is definitely helpful, though.

-I know a lot more about the technicalities and methods to get stalkers to drop teeth much easier/faster. No further explanation needed.

-I've started to learn about how to identify a good spawn from a bad spawn. This is where I now need to take a much longer time to make sure I REALLY understand what I'm doing because this is obviously going to be one of the foundational pieces to me speedrunning. I'd say I'm already kinda decent at identifying good and bad spawns, but I'm still pretty slow, I need to look at quite a bit of the surrounding terrain, and I don't yet have a good mental image of all these spawns on a map so I can't identify good vs bad directions to go following spawning. Right now, my sole focus is just whether or not the spawn itself is good. The next thing I'll worry about is getting a good mental image of the safe shallows in general, including important caves, and then where to go immediately after spawning.

Basically, there's a lot more that's gonna be going into just learning about spawning. I want to spend a really long time making sure I know exactly what's going on at ALL parts of a speedrun, so it wouldn't surprise me if it ends up taking several months before I decide to actually do my first speedrun. I want to know so much that when I do get around to my first run, I'll feel like a pro. I just REALLY like to absorb information because the way I play video games is that I just need to know everything that's going on at all times to get any remote enjoyment out of it, so for me to enjoy a speedrun I'd need to apply the same concept.

Okay, it's now 1:30 and I'm starting to get tired. Here's to hoping my 5 hours of sleep won't fail me, I'm not looking forward to making up the 4 fucking days I missed from sickness!!!

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