Arsenic - 21. April, 2022

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It's like 1:30 AM right now, so this will only be a short entry.

I made Churchill and CFO write about the fact the possible civil war luckily never actually happened because the conflict came to an end. That single statement is honestly so powerful, and it feels like days have gone by already because I've finally been able to actually interact with my headmates. The priceless joy of seeing alters like Alchemist happy to see me again and know it's safe for us to talk again is just... wow. I'm gonna cherish those happy memories forever because they're never gonna stop holding a special place in my heart.

On top of all of that, I gained a single new connection through this conflict: Churchill. I wasn't expecting him to step up the way he did when it started, and I was surprised when I found myself actually relying on him to provide me with shelter and support. Instead of going to the protectors, I'm now more inclined to talk to Churchill if something's bothering me. I also started making him give me physical affection like hugs because I feel like it!

Okay, I'm too sleepy to keep writing so bye now

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