Several Alters - 10. May, 2022

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Hey! There's so many of us fronting right now that we don't care to list every single one- the list would contain at least 30 names. The vast majority of us fronting right now are trauma holders.

A few things happened today. First, Arsenic got triggered because he saw a piece of art that could be considered sexually suggestive. It was actually a lot of us who were triggered, but he tends to feel our feelings as his own and presents them that way too. We don't know if he's even aware of that fact...

Well, anyways, Arsenic asked them to censor the artwork or post it in the NSFW channel because it was too triggered for him. They were happy to censor it, but the damage was already done. We couldn't unsee what we'd seen, and we were very upset about it. It made some of us think about HIM, but the older ones thought of "her." Some of us got reminded of other previous abusers, like HER. It overwhelmed us, and before we knew it we'd spilled out our feelings onto Arsenic and Shaun.  They were both really triggered for what was probably no reason to them.

Next, our results came back from the lab. We'd been expecting it to take longer, so we thought it had to be some kind of terrible news if we were hearing back the very next day. Turns out... everything came back normal. Some of the numbers were just barely inside their normal parameters, though. For now, that's all we'll say about our health over privacy concerns. The doctor did recommend we do something to see if it helps, but we're not gonna say what it was to the public. Arsenic seems really glad we got some kind of a suggestion or direction, though.

And finally... we're pretty sure there's some new additions to the system. There's been some strange things happening, so we think some new alter split. We've been trying to find them so we can learn more about them and try to find who they split from. It's important we know who every alter came from! Just because there's hundreds of us doesn't mean we enjoy splitting again, and if we can help an alter that might be splitting several times then it solves the problem instead of making more alters.

From what little we know, we think the most likely culprits of splitting are Shaun, Alchemist, and a few of us trauma holders who have yet to share our names with everybody else because we don't want to. They'd most likely be splitting to hold more trauma and/or have a protective role over that specific alter because they've been having lots of trouble lately. Because of that, we think the most likely new alters would be whoever or whatever the alters in question liked the most or felt was just for them. These are simple deductions, though, and there's no proof of any of those guesses. They could be anything, after all!

We'll have to investigate further to truly understand what's going on in the system right now. We also have nothing else to say, so we're ending this entry here.

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