Felix - 12. September, 2022

13 0 0

{While I'd strong prefer you not, you can still call me Arsenic if you'd like.}

Some of the protectors are already starting to not get too fond of Trick again. They think he's up to something suspicious because he spent $200 on me... I'm more concerned for his financial well-being than anything. I'm not gonna go too far into the details until it's resolved, but that's also been the topic of some argument between me and Trick.

Anyways, other than that ongoing incident, headspace has been strangely calm. It's very refreshing, honestly. Everyone getting along and having fun is a great change of pace. And the ongoing incident? Nobody's going to crazy civil wars over it, everyone's actually acting like an adult about it. It's amazing what everyone being a lot more mature about what's going on can do for everyone's mental health.

This entry is incredibly short, but I just don't really know what else to write about. I still thought this was important to share, though, because it feels like such a major accomplishment for me. I hope the system keeps heading in this direction because it's healthy and productive. It's something sustainable.

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