Arsenic - 29. May, 2022

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I just had possibly the worst drama between friends I've had in a while, but somehow that awful drama at least temporarily fixed me perceiving Trick as an asshole who secretly hates me. I might stop believing it after like a day again, who knows?

Anyways, the drama!

It happened on Toontown. I was maxing out my cashbot suit, which was obviously a huge deal. Trick was able to join me, which was nice because he missed me maxing out my sellbot suit. I was also joined by a few of my new friends from the Discord server, including a new recruit.

At first the CFO fight went as normal, but then Trick mentioned how he didn't really like the fact we didn't have 8 people with us. My new friends started saying things like, "He's maxed out on literally everything, so why does he care?" The new recruit {who I'll call Twizzler} started kinda throwing insults at Trick at this point. I agreed with my friends that it was kinda petty to get upset about because 6 was good enough, but Trick then explained having less people meant we'd have less chances of getting a good unite reward at the end.

I started to side with Trick afterwards because unites are a big deal and they actually matter. My friends' response? "He's maxed out on literally everything, so why does he care?" They all started calling him names at this point and generally being pretty childish and obnoxious about hating on Trick. The new recruit went as far as to call him the r slur.

I told Trick in DMs what was going on, and he {rightfully so} called them toxic and wasn't very thrilled with them. When the CFO was over, my friends started celebrating and asked me how it felt to have a max cashbot suit. My response was, "That was the worst CFO I've ever done. The way you guys treated Trick was NOT okay. It wasn't funny, and just because he's maxed out doesn't mean he doesn't have a use for good unites. The way you treated my best friend was terrible, and that's not cool."

Two of my friends started to apologize, which were also the ones in the voice chat who were least guilty of any wrongdoing {there was a friend not in voice call who didn't participate in any of this, and one friend in call was multi-tooning to create the 6 toon CFO}. I let Trick know I scolded them and that two of them started apologizing, and also told him they were the ones who were doing the least harm. I then left accepting the apology up to him, which he didn't really respond to and went to bed instead.

If Trick doesn't accept their apology, I don't know if I'll still play with them. I know I already basically sided with Trick, but I also don't want to start choosing sides between friends to such extremes that I'm not allowed to play with some of them. But at the same time... they were being pretty uncool towards Trick, and I know if people did that to me and my friend still wanted to hang out with them, I'd be absolutely livid with my friend.

The person in call who DIDN'T apologize, on the other hand... I'm not playing with them anymore, 100%. Calling Trick the r slur {along with other insults} and not even trying to redeem yourself with an apology isn't cool. That doesn't deserve a second chance, excuses, or anything like that, so I'm not giving it any of those things. Instead, I'm just not gonna play with them anymore. I didn't like them already because they said in voice chat that they smoke weed and their voice was so incredibly obnoxious, but those were things I could look over for a friendship. Calling one of my best friends the r slur? Bye! I'm not talking to you!

And that's the drama.

On the bright side, I was able to not starve myself! The alter who's been responsible for all my suffering {starving myself out of self hate, depression, thinking all my friends hate me} seemed less active today, so I was cheerful enough that I managed to eat something.

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