Shaun/Arsenic +1 - 7. June, 2022

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Shaun and Arsenic were switching a lot while writing this entry. We've attempted to indicate switches using context clues, but there's always a chance of a screw up.


It's been quite a wild ride moving in with my sister. First, a story about the actual moving part.

Since we're all broke bitches, I was coming over via bus. My sister was taking a subway to meet me at the bus stop, but Arsenic made a mistake and forgot to tell her when he entered the city area. Trick started fronting and corrected his mistake, and he fronted for the rest of the bus ride.


Because Shaun/Trick had been late to telling my sister when we were entering the city area, she was gonna be like 10 minutes late. This meant Trick had to walk to the station by himself and wait for my sister. Alone.

Shaun and I already know that we would've 100% had a panic attack in that situation. Alone at night in a big city notorious for crime? Oh, HELL NO. But Trick didn't give a shit. He strolled over to the station like he was taking a leisure walk in a park and waited patiently. We warned him how dangerous it was and to be ready to defend our possessions and/or the body if necessary and realistic {I'd rather lose my stuff than get shot trying to get it back}, but he just... wasn't scared? I swear he's insane or something.

So that was our first few moments of getting to the city.

And the past few days? Alters have been WAY more active than usual.


Not only have Arsenic and I been switching a lot lately, but Trick and Alchemist have started being pretty active and even fronting. Loan Shark, CFO, Buttercup, and Tanya have been very active in headspace lately. Sammy fronted for a couple hours {rare} and we've been hearing from alters we haven't seen in a while.


Basically, headspace has been REALLY active and even kinda chaotic lately. There's so much to unpack that I just don't even wanna deal with right now, so instead, here's a few assorted stories of alters doing alter things!


I was fronting and Trick was co-fronting. I made an egg salad sandwich and started eating it because I like them. About halfway through the sandwich, Trick started fronting because he wanted to make tea. Well, he immediately regretted fronting because he didn't like the egg salad, but he had to finish it anyways because I made him.

Then he proceeded to make the most bitter tea I've ever tasted. I was only co-fronting and I could taste it. It was AWFUL, but HE LIKED IT?! He was in a voice call and even commented to the people in the call about how good the tea was. Bitch, what?

I was talking to Trick's source later and mentioned how alter Trick didn't like egg salad. Source Trick's response? "Ewww, egg salad."

I'm surrounded by heathens who don't know good food...


Another food related story. My sister got zebra cakes and said any alters with a sweet tooth were welcome to have some. What did the sweet tooth alters proceed to do? They forcefully fronted, ate some zebra cakes, and then just fucking left.


Alchemist fronted just to check out Toontown a little bit. They seem like they really wanna play the game, so I'll probably be erasing one of my toons to let them make one. It was just kinda funny that they fronted specifically to do one thing, but they were only co-fronting so I guess it makes sense.


My sister took me shopping for some essential items, and a bunch of littles got excited. They started looking at everything and asking me if they could have something, but I unfortunately had to turn them down. They seemed pretty bummed out by it and I could see them just... watching me shop with my sister but not saying anything because they knew I couldn't get them anything. I felt so bad for them.


My sister forgot to bring her lunch with her to work, so I had to walk to her work by myself just to deliver it to her. I had to use Google Maps to find my way there, which scared the shit out of me that I didn't know where I was going.

As soon as I stepped out of the apartment though, Trick started co-fronting just to calm me down and help me actually read Google Maps. I'm notoriously bad at understanding maps and I was already starting to panic just from stepping out of the apartment. Trick co-fronted the entire time, literally telling me exactly where to go and trying to help me not break down sobbing because being alone in a big city is apparently too much for me to handle.

Stories over!

Okay, it's almost 7 AM and I was staying awake because I had a bad trauma nightmare, but I should probably get some sleep now... or try to, anyways.

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