XLI- Weasley departure

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Anna's POV

"I can't believe you fucking kissed her!"

"Oh, give me a break will you!" Harry had been on my case since we won the quidditch match and Pansy kissed me in front of everybody. I knew some people probably were angry at me for that, but I didn't really care. Harry, however, couldn't let me forget how wrong he thought it was.

"She's a Slytherin and a bloody death eater!"

"She's not a fucking Death Eater Harry! You don't even know her, why can't you just accept it?!"

"How do you know wether she is one or not?! What can assure me that she's not putting a fucking spell on you to spy on us? On me? On Snuffles?"

"Oh PLEASE! Do you really have so little faith in me Harry? I wouldn't let that shit happen!"

"And how would you escape it? Don't be a fucking fool!"

"You're not the only one who was able to get rid of the Imperius curse on you! Why can't you trust me?"

"Because you're not good enough in defense, Anna!"

"Well maybe if you cared that much you shouldn't have kept me out of your little club!" He looked taken aback by my words.

"How do you know about that?" He asked in a low voice.

"I'm not an idiot Harry. Did you really expect I wouldn't know when my two best friends and most of the Gryffindors are out somewhere?" Okay, that might be a lie. I had my suspicions but I didn't know for sure before Uncle Moony asked me about it, but he didn't need to know that. "But hey, being alone gave me the opportunity to become friends with the people you hate so much, so really, thank you."

He stood there, avoiding eye contact with me and not saying anything. I sighed and shook my head before walking away from him. He was truly unbelievable. I wanted to punch something. I needed to do something. I looked around, trying to find something. Someone suddenly hugged me from behind and I froze.

"Hello lover," Pansy said. I let myself relax in her arms and put my arms over hers.

"Hello girlfriend." I turned around with a smile and put my arms around her shoulders.

"Are you okay?" She asked me softly. "You seemed tense."

"Just, my brother being annoying and wanting to control my life. Again."

"He doesn't approve of us does he?" She seemed sorry as she said that.

"He'll come around. He doesn't approve of anything I do lately anyways."

"Does it not bother you? That you don't have your brother's support?"

"Well I never did much to gain it, so it's probably fair," I shrugged. It did bother me sometimes, but not about this. I was more bothered about the DA than him not approving my relationship with her.

"Are you sure?" She let go of my arm and stayed behind me as she asked that.  I turned around and she was looking down. I stepped towards her and put my hands on her cheeks.

"Hey, look at me." She looked at me but she still looked less confident than I knew her to be. "I do not need my brother to approve of anything for me. I want to be with you, okay?"

"Okay." She smiled at me and I kissed her forehead.

"Never doubt if I want to be with you or not, okay? If I didn't want it, I wouldn't waste either of our time."

"You think this is a waste of time?!" She looked at me with wide, insulted eyes.

"It would be if we didn't really want to be with each other! But I obviously love being able to call you my girlfriend, so it's nothing you should worry about, really." She scanned my face before humming.

"Good point, girlfriend."

"I know, I came up with it." I grinned at her while she hit my arm with a rolled up parchment. I saw Theo walk somewhere so I ran to him. "Theo! Help! Pansy's hitting me," I jokingly complained.

"Oh no! Quick, Anna, hide behind me and I will save you from this terrible monster!" he sarcastically said.

"My hero." I let myself fall in his arms and he almost lost his balance.

"Gosh, you're more heavy than I thought," he complained. I looked at him, about to express my offence when Pansy hit his head with her paper.

"That's my girlfriend you little shit! Plus, it's simply because she's stronger than you." She gave him a satisfied smile as she hugged my arm.

"I have found a new hero," I laughed and Theo shook his head. 

"You're unbelievable."

"Anna!" Someone yelled and I turned around to see Lee run towards me with a grin. "It's now! They're doing it!"

"They are?" I felt a smile grow on my face.

"Yes, come on!"

I ran after him, grabbing Pansy's wrist and making her run with us. We arrive in the courtyard where Fred and George are standing in front of an angry looking Umbridge.

"So!" she said loudly. "You think it's amusing to turn a corridor into a swamp do you?" 

"Pretty amusing, yeah," Fred affirmed, not an hint of fear visible on his face. I bit back a chuckle at his insolence. Merlin, the twins were truly the best. I saw Filch run up to to Umbridge, looking happier than ever. I glanced at Lee and I could see the confusion and worry in his eyes. It was never good to see that creepy bastard smile.

"Very good, Argus," we heard her say. "You two are about to learn what happens to the wrongdoers in my school."

I saw Lee tense up next to me and put my hand on his arm. I don't know who I was really stopping from interrupting the new headmistress and hitting her.

"You know what," Fred said, "I don't think we are. George," He turned to him, "I think we've outgrown full-time education."

"Yeah, I've been feeling that myself lately," he agreed.

"Time to test our talent in the real world, d'you reckon?"


Both of them raised their wands and said 'Accio brooms!' Their brooms came flying to them, Harry just barely dodging them. They mounted their brooms and looked at Umbitch.

"We won't be seeing you," Fred said.

"Yeah, don't bother keeping in touch," George added.

"If anyone fancies buying a portable swamp like demonstrated upstairs, come to number 93, Diagon Alley - Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes!" Fred said loudly.

"Special discount to Hogwarts students who swear to use our products to get rid of this old bat," George added and pointed at Umbridge.

"STOP THEM!" Umbridge yelled but the Inquisitor Squad was too slow and the Twins started flying before they could get to them.

They looked at Peeves who was floating above all of us. "Give her hell for us, Peeves." And the worst spirit in our school took his hat and bowed to them.

Everybody started clapping and cheering as the twins flew off the school grounds. I hugged Lee as we cheered for our favourite pranksters with tears in our eyes.

"I'm gonna miss them," I admitted to him.

"Me too."

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now