VI - Long awaited reunions

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Anna's POV

The Burrow was pure chaos. People were running around everywhere, doing last minute packing and pushing their way throught. Harry couldn't find his shoes, Ginny couldn't find her broom cleaning kit that the twins had gotten her for her birthday and Ron couldn't find one of his shirts that he apparently absolutely needed to bring to Hogwarts. 

I leaned against the kitchen counter, my luggages next to me as I sipped my tea and watched the chaos unfold, Fleur drinking coffee next to me. Hermione tried to help, of course her things were already all packed. Ms. Weasley was screaming at Ron and Ginny to hurry up. 

"Are you guys almost ready?" Tonks asked, walking in the kitchen. They would be part of the small escort bringing us to the train station.

"Just waiting on Harry, Ron and Ginny to find their last minute things," I shrugged. 

They let out a sigh and I looked at them. They still looked pretty tired, a deep exhaustion that had nothing to do with sleep. I couldn't quite figure out what was troubling them and they wouldn't tell me. I didn't want to push them too much either, knowing they had their reason and knowing they were friends with Fleur. 

"It shouldn't be too long," Fleur assured Tonks, putting a hand on their back. She smiled at them and they gave a strained one back.

FInally, the three late-packers stumbled down the stairs, Harry's hair looking even messier than usual. Tonks took some of their things and brought them to the car while I said goodbye to Fleur.

"Can you look after them, please? I don't want them to be alone," I asked Fleur as we hugged.

"Of course, Tonks never will be alone as long as I'm on this Earth." She let go of me and cupped my face. "Take care of yourself, yeah? And write to me."

"I will. Take care of yourself too."

She nodded at me and kissed my cheek in goodbye before pushing me to the door. We all packed in the cars and drove off. I looked at the window as the streets changed, most looking pretty much the same as the other. I felt my heart race with excitement. I'd finally see Neville and Blaise again. I'd finally see Pansy again. Merlin I missed her. It had been months since I last saw her and I couldn't wait to finally hug her again. Of course we had kept in contact but nothing compared to holding her in my arms. 

We finally arrived at King's Cross and stumbled onto platform 9¾, quickly putting our luggages in their respective places. I quickly spotted Neville and ran to him, jumping on his back as soon as I was close enough which made him shriek in surprise.

"Anna!" he exclaimed in surprise as he caught my legs before they slipped. "Merlin's balls, you're going to give me a heart attack."

"Sorry, you know I love you," I answered smoothly as I gave him a peck on the cheek. I fianlly got down from his back and he turned around. 

"I'm gonna get a compartment, wanna come along?"

"I'll join you in a few minutes, I gotta say bye first."

He nodded and got on the train as I walked back to the Weasley's and Tonks. 

"A! There you are, you can't just disappear like that," Tonks lightly scolded.

"Sorry, I just had to say hey to Nev," I answered sheepishly. "Thanks again for having me this summer, Ms. and Mr. Weasley."

"Of course, honey. You're always welcome at our house," Arthur said with a smile, making me smile. I always liked him a lot, he had this warm aura about him. He was a caring father. Ms. Weasley gave me a smile as she agreed with him before saying goodbye to the rest of our little group.

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now