Chapter 1 : Ms. Wang

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Wang Yi, a young and beautiful businesswoman and owner of the W company, known as the youngest billionaire in the S city and also known as a workaholic person who is not interested in any romantic relationship.

People know that she like girls but they don't know the reason why she don't like flirting or dating, even her family always persuade her to get married to someone so anyone could accompany her but Wang Yi always disagree about it.

One day, the board of directors hold a meeting and Wang Yi have to attend. When she arrive everyone stand up and bow in front of her, "Greetings to Ms. Wang!" Everyone said with a calm voice and Wang Yi just give them the cold expression.

"Let's start this meeting." Wang Yi said and sit in the CEO's chair.

"Ms. Wang, don't worry, this won't take long." Her secretary said.

Wang Yi look at her watch, "Stop talking and start this." She said with a serious expression and it make the people to be more nervous about it.

Her secretary go in the front and open the projector, showing them the percentage of their sale. Wang Yi is a bit surprised and it already caught her attention that their sale drop off.

"What's this?" Ask with a serious voice.

Everyone left speechless and even her secretary can't answer her question, everyone become so distress and others are just hiding their faces. Wang Yi stand up to see and make herself believe that she just mistakenly seen the report.

"Tell me that this is just a joke and I'm just seeing things." Wang Yi still can't accept it.

"Ms. Wang, let me explain-." Before he can finish talking, Wang Yi throw the water bottle in anger and say, "The product I've been worked hard for 1 month, failed?!" Wang Yi suddenly become angry and everyone just don't know what to do.

Wang Yi get the documents in her table and read it all, "Tell me, how did the sale drop off?!" Wang Yi said in an angry expression and her secretary don't know what to say and totally left speechless.

Wang Yi throw the paper again and try calming herself in an instant but when she inhale, she suddenly lose strength and pass out. Everyone from the room was totally worried, they keep waking her and all of them started panicking.

"Ms. Wang! Wake up!"

"Call an ambulance!"

The others immediately call an ambulance and Wang Yi stayed unconscious. After 7 minutes, the ambulance arrive and take Wang Yi to the hospital.

The news immediately spread to the whole S city and it's a top hot search on the internet : "The CEO/President of the W company suddenly pass out."

Wang Yi's parents arrive and immediately ask the doctor what happened to her, then the doctor reply, "Nothing to worry about Mr. Wang. Ms. Wang Yi is totally fine, its just that she don't eat her meals and because of stress and lack of sleep, her body didn't take it and collapse." The explanation of the doctor to them.

"Okay doc, thank you so much." Mrs. Wang said.

"It's an honor, but I have to excuse myself. If you need something just call a nurse." The doctor said and leave.

They enter Wang Yi's room and saw Wang Yi, sleeping peacefully in her bed. Her mom approach her and hold her hand, "My poor daughter, still working hard." She said with a sad voice and sad expression.

Her father sigh and say, "She'll be fine." Making his wife to calm down because he knew that he will cry from seeing Wang Yi like that.

And that day pass by, when Wang Yi's parent return in her hospital room, they saw Wang Yi signing papers and reading documents in her bed.

They knew that Wang Yi didn't notice them so Mr. Wang said, "Daughter, I think you should take things easy." He said with a worrying expression and put the fruits in the table.

Wang Yi didn't look at him and say, "I'm fine dad, just need to finish these things." She said with a serious expression.

Her mom snatch the documents away, Wang Yi was a bit surprised from her sudden action.

"Mom. Give it back." Wang Yi said in a calm tone.

"Yi Yi! Your health is going down! For what?! For this stupid documents?!" Her mom's voice is rising, anger and worrying mixed in her expression.

Wang Yi can't blame her for worrying about her, "Mom, I'm fine." She said to make her calm.

"Fine?! You collapse because of stress, not eating in time and always lack of sleep! How can you call that 'Fine'?!" Her mom is really angry.

Wang Yi sigh and say, "I'm sorry.. It's my fault for making you worry." She said with a sad expression.

After her mom see her like that, she immediately calm down, approach Wang Yi and embrace her. "Just don't take your job too serious! You're still young, my daughter. You will waste more important opportunities and I cannot lose you." She said as she started to cry.

Wang Yi say her sorry again and just embrace her mother tight, her dad is also happy to see her wife and daughter to hug each other.

Two days passed by and Wang Yi return in W company.

Because of disappointment, she fired her secretary. Another employee was lost this year for other employees.

"Ms. Wang is here again. What are we gonna do now?" The employees chatter in the kitchen office.

They didn't know that Wang Yi was about to enter but when she saw them talking to each other, she stop a step and heard their conversation.

"What else could it be? We have to work overtime again.. Man, I wish that two days didn't passed by." A male employee said while showing a stressed expression.

When Wang Yi heard that, she didn't try or dare to take a step inside and just go back to her office to read documents. An employee enter and brought her a black coffee.

Wang Yi didn't pay attention to her so the employee just leave immediately and didn't talk to Wang Yi.

Wang Yi sigh after realizing that her employees can't really stand her strict rules over the company, but what else she can do if she use to it.

Her friend name Yuan Yiqi enter her office and say, "Wang Yi Meimei.. Still stressed?" She asked.

*Meimei is to address young female or young sister.*

Wang Yi give her a pale smile and say, "No.. I was just thinking of something.. But speaking of something, what are you doing here?" She asked with a curious expression.

"I just think of giving you a visit.. You know, to see you." She said and keep smiling.

Wang Yi keep the pale smile, "Do you still like Mengyao Jiejie?" A sudden question from Wang Yi.

*Jiejie means to address older female or older sister.*

Yiqi was stunned and doesn't know what to say, Wang Yi warmly smile when she saw her embarrassing expression.

"You're making fun of me!"

Wang Yi stop herself to laugh and say, "I'm not. Who's making fun of you? Besides, Mengyao Jiejie is my cousin and you're my friend. So what's the matter with it? Same sex marriage in this nation is allowed, so both of you can get married."

"Wait, you're giving-."

Before Yiqi finish talking, "Yes, you have my blessing. You're my friend since I was 6 years old, you're not different for me." Wang Yi keep smiling and Yiqi was so happy to hear that.

"Thank you so much, Yi Yi meimei." Yiqi suddenly embrace her because of happiness.

"If you hurt my Mengyao Jiejie, don't blame me if I have to be cruel to you." Wang Yi remind her.

Yiqi nod and say, "I will never hurt her."

Wang Yi was relieved to hear that.


Chapter 1 ends.

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