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My auntie Janice and Amal stayed the night last after a false labor and I brought Lisa home.

You are the only person I know who has to wear makeup to go to the hospital while they are in pain. Auntie you thought I was joking. Let's get you to bed so you can rest. I am going to make you some tea to help you relax. Thank you Amal.
Gracelia should of been here by now. 
Amak turns the TV on while I am walking to our bedroom when I hear incoming plane from Brazil has exploded  over the Pacific Ocean everyone aboard is dead.

On no it cannot be Avery we finally found her and was flying here to.meet our son ,Remi Gregorio .She picked out his middle name. What am I going to tell him when be gets older.  The truth his mother found out about him and she was on her way to live with us so the three of us could raise him together and we all agreed on his name,  Remi Gregorio. 

We get her inside of my wife's  suv and Avery and are trying are best to keep her calm..We are at kaiser rushing her inside and she is crying saying too soon.  They admit my nieces girlfriend immediately and Avery is holding her hand in pain but not saying anything..Avery goes with her for eye baby to be delivered.

Avery comes out to inform us she had to have a  cesarean because she was causing too much stress on her and Remi.  She finally is asleep.  We go visit him along with my aunt and  Joy that I called while getting the Suv ready to bring her to the hospital.

Oh Avery he is adorable.  We decided to name him on October 4. 2024, Remi Gregorio Harris Culpo. She put my name as the other parent on the birth certificate. I tried telling her no it should be Gracelia Cruz but she wouldn't budge.  My great  nephew looks so adorable. Yes he does Becky. She can come home tomorrow, but he has to stay here for a few days.  He is healthy just a little under weight.
Auntie she wants all of us to go home to sleep. I wanted to stay and she demanded I go so we need to go.  Okay sweetheart.  Amal. Yes, I will go get the vehicle. Auntie and Joy you two go home too.  Nonsense.  I am staying here we will be in her room when she wakes up. We weren't up all night like you. I am  sad we didn't get to meet Gracelia. GRANDMA BECKY WE DON'T EVEN HAVE A PHOTO OF HER EITHER.  SHE HAD THEM WITH HER.  I NEED TO HAVE A CELEBRATION OF LIFE AT THE REQUEST OF LISA.  SHE WANTS TO HAVE ON SUNDAY OCTOBER 6. 2O24 AT THE HOUSE.
While you three go to Avery's home I will text everyone but call your father and grandparents to let them know he has arrived sooner than expected and why and when the celebration of life. Thank you grandma.  Your welcome Avery.  Joy I am a grandma which I  never thought I be. When Lisa referred to me that day I was so honored.  We all knew you were.  They left so we better get calling and texting people. Let's split the list up.  I will personally call Avery's father and grandparents.  Okay   Becky.
Aunties we decided still not to be married. I  will be adopting him as my son now,since his other biological mother is deceased.  Oh sweetie I am so happy for you.
I am gonna ask Fred to start the petition than  will go to bed.  We see off  to bed. Night and love you.  I love you both too .

My aunts left to go sleep in the guest room.  I went to my to sit and call Fred to start the petition for adoption.

Fred she had him early.  He is healthy but will stay in the hospital to gain some weight.  Lisa will be home tomorrow.  Her other biological mother died. Yes I saw the news.  I am truly sorry this happened after a 6 months to find her and she agreed to move in with you all. Yes I know. I wi) start on it  congrats mama.  Thanks Fred. 
I ended the call and called Becky. She said everyone was thrilled but saddened over Gracelia death. They will call you tomorrow and for you to rest. Everyone will be there on Sunday at two. Juanita,  Mandi and Michele will make Brazilian food in your son's mother's honor.  Thank you Becky
. Sweetie get some sleep.  I will and thank you and Joy staying there until  I get much needed sleep .

I ended my call,  secured the house and turned the alarm than went to bed.

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