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The following morning Becca woke up walking funny with what myself and J did to her. Her chest and inner thighs had many hickeys she looked like someone beat her. It's what she wanted. Jane and Maura did what she wanted. I though it was funny because she was walking like a penguin but after lunch we were back at in a foursome than a threesome when Carmen needed to take q much needed break.

We all got up and took a nice long shower except for Carmen who took a hot Epsom bath. We of course didn't tease her about he age or that her huge breasts hurt from the three of sucking and pinching them.
Becca and Carmen stripped the beds and put clean bedding on all three bedrooms. Carmen and Becca definitely would need their entire place cleaned and sanitized .Carmen was happy that Becca was staying home to be there when the cleaning maid service would come. We all get calls to be at Tony DiNozzo house at a certain time. Simon wanted everyone there when be proposes to my sister. I tell everyone to take a shower separately again and we need to be ready to go. I knew this interrupted our Sunday. They all knew it was important to be there so they didn't complain and got ready . We were to wait until we saw Tony and Katelyn leave in his blue jaguar like Avery Harris. This would tell us to park wherever we found parking.

The realtor allowed the painters to come today to paint and patch where items hung..She also agreed to allow me to take a few more measurements so I could have my new furniture and make sure it fit. Finally, the cleaning crew arrived as agreed in our contract the entire house to be clean.

Simon and Tony went shopping with me. I left my suv and picked up my truck so we could put the new couches in there. The stores I ordered new bed. Fitness equipment and other items that were heavy that I gave my daughter would be delivered on Tuesday. The movers would be now moving me in a day earlier because my home was done as per my contract thanks to the two realtors.
Tony and Simon were very helpful.
Katelyn why don't you come with me to get dinner.Simon has a errand to run. Okay.
Simon decided to get the ring a day early and was proposing to her this evening instead of next week. He couldn't wait any longer.

We return and Tony cannot even park his car in the garage. My family and close friends are parked all over. He dropped me off to bring dinner in.
Simon was home already.
Mom put that down and come out side in the backyard.

Simon grabs my hand and walks outside with me and Tony comes running into the backyard through his side gate.

A string quartet is playing.

Katelyn when the first day I saw you and got to learn about you. I knew I needed to meet you. Thank goodness for Jane. She set us up ona blind date and we hit it off right away. We are still learning about one another.

Simon gets on one knee.

Katelyn I have asked Olivia and
Dr. Isles for your hand in marriage . They said yes. Tony. Olivia , Kim and Kiki helped me put this together last night for you. I don't need to have a long courtship to know I love you and want you to be my wife. You can keep Martin as your last name if you like. Will you be my wife?

I look at my sister and daughter and than at Simon.

SHE SAID YES. KATELYN I WOULD LIKE TO GRT MARRIED NEXR MONTH.YOU3 SISTER SAID WE COULD HAVE IT AT TJE MOUNTAIN SIDE INN AND USE HER SUITE AFTER THE WEDDING. IZZY WILL MAKE THE CAKE AT THE INN..A LADY NAMED Jackie called and said she fly down the designer used for the Harris weddings to make your. Your sister when daughter dresses . You did all of this last night and this morning and afternoon?Yes with their help. I was going to ask you next week but couldn't wait any longer. I left earlier to pick up the ring I had sized for you with the help of Olivia's help.

Simon places the ring 💍 on my finger. It's gorgeous. He kisses me and everyone is clapping as the quartet continues to play . Katelyn there is one more thing. I want is both to sign a prenuptial that Samantha Harris have drawn up..we can keep our own properties. Investments and money.
Simon takes out of his pocket the pocket the prenuptial agreements and we both sign them. He hands them to Samantha to file it.

SIMON you took my breath away the first time I laid my eyes on you. I told Izzy of you asked me for dessert or something like that I wouldn't hesitate to say no too. I know it's been a short time but we will continue to involve. My grandparents , stepfather and mother would be so proud to get to know you. Thank you. I don't know about you. I am hungry ..okay Simon let's eat the Hawaiian food that was catered here. Tony the food. It's okay. I will eat for lunch and dinner tomorrow . Let me put it away.

Everyone hugged is and congratulates us. Everyone looked at the ring and complimented it.

Katelyn may I have a cigar room like Tony has here? Yes. Order your items. Okay thank you. The house is gorgeous by the way. I know you paid it in full. Please allow me to pay for yearly taxes, alarm. Gardners,pool person and utilities.

We are and danced. Everyone left Tony's house by 9.. I headed home alone because of the movers and he had to be at work early.

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