Welcome Home

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Alexander followed Washington out of the coach and up the stairs to his new fathers house. Men, women, and children rushed around them, smiling and waving.

Alexander smiled knowing that Washington was trying his best to give them all the best lives.

"Alexander?" called Washington from the front door.

Looking up, Alexander rushed up the stairs to meet him.


"Well are you gonna knock?" asked Washington, rolling his eyes.

"Oh right! Of course!" Alexander said quickly before knocking three times on the wood door.

The doors swung open and a kind short woman appeared. Alexander wouldn't say it outloud but he is happy to now know someone shorter than himself.

"Umm, Hello." greeted Alexander awkwardly. The woman who must have been Martha Washington rushed forward and greeted him with a warm hug.

Alex was taken aback at the kind gesture but returned it nonetheless. Martha looked around Alex and laid eyes on her husband.

Alexander, George! Welcome home! Do come in!" Martha said practically pushing them inside the old home.

Alexander looked around the room in awe. Beautiful oil paintings hung on the walls and fancy sculpted chairs sat beside a side table.

Just then Alexander felt something or some one on his legs. He looked down and saw two small children clinging to his legs. "Hello there little ones,"

The two heads looked up at Alexander and smiled widely. "Hi!!" They yelled in unison.

Washington and Martha sidled up beside Alexander.

"Alexander," started Washington, "This is Wash," he said and pointed to the little boy "And Nelly."

"Are you our new big brother?" asked Wash looking up at Alexander with big round eyes.


"Yay!" Cheered the kids.

"Come on!!! We'll take you to your room!!!" Said Nelly.

Wash nodded and the three chased each other down the hall and stairs, laughing as they went.

"You picked a good kid." Martha said to her husband.

"Only the best." agreed Washington.

Whats your favorite breakfast food? Mines waffles with Nutella (Chocolate)

Please vote   -George Washington 2022

- Riley

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