Chapter 3

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The days were going fast as for months it's been five months since I moved in to that house and to school everything was going great even rude boy started talking to me from time to time. His name was Luke.

Today is Friday so I decided to wear jeans and a t-shirt, a boot that reach my knees and I let my hair down. As usual the kids were already up and ready for school.

"Time to go" I yelled to them from downstairs and as usual I drop the little ones to school and then went to our school. Skylar was waiting in front of my locker waiting for me.

"Where have you been you were suppose to come earlier to help me with the project.

"I'm sorry, but with these little demons at home it's not possible. But I'll help you finish it between the classes.

"You better because I don't want my grade to drop, and neither should you.

I helped her finish the project and now we were in art class. Quiet down students. There is a project I'm assigning to you and it's in group of two.

I look at Skylar motioning that she will be my partner.

"Stella your partner is Luke"

"Wait what"

"You take it or I'll give you zero for the project. But remember that projects are 25% of your grades the teacher says. The project is due next Friday so give it your best. The best poster will be posted in front of the principal's office and two tickets.

"Really" just kill me already.
"Now please form your group of two's and start discussing your project for the rest of the period.

"More like a free period" I mumble lowly.

"What was that Stella?"

"Oh nothing, I said I'm excited.

"So, what do you think we can go to the library to do the project, after school.

"I don't go to libraries" he stated not even looking up from his phone.

"Ok then, you have a suggestion"

"Umm, you can come to my house"

"Oh ok, what about you come to my house instead"

"What, you're Afraid that I would do something to you"

"No" but in reality that's what I was thinking.

I wrote down my address and my phone number and gave it to him. The bell ring and we exit the room.

"That's not fair I wanted to be your partner"

"I wanted to be yours too, but since ms Kaitlyn hate me she decided to give me the most untrusted person when it comes to homework to work with.

School was over and I didn't feel like waiting.

"Blake get the kids and your ass over here immediately, I need to get home.

I stood in front of the car waiting for them. They got in the car not bothering to talk to me because I would explode

"Why are you so mad" Blake broke the silence.

"I hate ms Kaitlyn, out of all the students in the class she chose Luke to be my partner."

"Ooh I see why you mad, Luke is not really fun to work with."

"Well me too, if you notice"

When I got home we ate food then I went upstairs to take a shower so I could wait for him to arrive. The doorbell rang and I open it to see him standing there. He had a black shirt on and a jeans damn he look good.

pregnant and aloneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora