Chapter 32

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"Are you coming with me?" Luke ask.

"Yes, just let me grab the list"

"Oh yeah we are going to interview people for the house help today"

"Do you have meetings today?" "No, why".

"I wanted to know if you will be there when I interview them"

"I will, I have to see anyone who's going to be around my kids". The first person came it was an older lady forty five years old. She had two kids one in college and one finishing high school. She has a lot of experience and is good with kids.

The second one was twenty five, she was a single mother of two kids. She got pregnant when she was sixteen. I liked her instantly because I know what it was like to be a teen mother. After many others later we were done.

"Who did you like the best?" I ask Luke. "Because I liked Lydia the best"

"Me too" Luke said.

"Mr Patterson someone is here to see you" Mina said

"Can't you see me and my wife are busy"

"You can go I have to go and pick up the kids anyway. I left leaving Luke with whoever it was. Later on Luke came back angry. When I ask him what was was he told me that his ex wife is going away and that she's taking Molina their daughter with them. I try calming him but he wouldn't. He was in a fit of rage. To calm him I took his hands and place it on my stomach and immediately he became calm. "Everything will be okay, you will get her back. On the bright side I have my ultrasound tomorrow" he smiles at me and went to his office. The next day we went to the doctor to know how everything was.

"How far along are you?" The nurse asked.

"I'm two months along"

"Since you can't see anything now, let me show you, this is your baby" she said showing us something as big as an apple "but something doesn't look right" she said clicking.

"Is everything alright" Luke ask.

"Let me call Dr rose she will explain" the Dr came seeing me she was surprise. I quickly glances at her and she understood.

"I need to talk to ms Stella alone"

"She is my wife, I have the right to be here"

"Its okay babe I'll tell you everything I promise" reluctantly he left.

"From what I've seen he doesn't know about anything" the Dr said.

"We got married and him and my family are so happy I don't want to bring something like that and ruin everything"

"After all this time when you tell them it will hurt them more" what she said was true but I need to keep it a secret for now. I have to give you new medication because of the baby and so does Dr John. Do not under no circumstances take any of the medications we prescribed earlier.

"Yes ma'am"
"See you in two months and whatever you feel come here immediately do you understand me"

"What did the doctor said?" Luke ask.

"Everything is okay, she was just checking me" naively he took the lie.

For the next three months Luke has been going to the court and I to the doctor. We learn that the baby is healthy and in good shape and it's also a boy. We were so happy the day we learn that. Julia was happy too but she wanted a girl to play with.

"What did the judge says?" I ask Luke when he came back.

"He took side of that bitch"

"Luke calm down"

"I can only see her on vacations"

"Look on the bright side, she will spend summer, Christmas, Halloween, and every vacation there are with us" "how about we search for names for our beautiful baby. Me, Luke and the Kids sat in the living room discussing names.

"I like Isaiah" Luke said.

"Isaiah, I don't know"

"We could call him Noah" Kaiden said.

"How about you Julia". I ask her since she wasn't saying anything

"I don't know but I have plenty of girls name" we all laugh at that. I think we still need to think about that.

"Come on kids time to bed. Luke can you tuck them for me, my feet are swollen".

"Can I talk to you ma'am" Simone our helper said when Luke went upstairs with the kids.

"I thought you were gone" I said startled.

"I'm sorry if I startled you, I know it is none of my business but don't you think you should tell him". She said

"Say what" I said rubbing my stomach feeling the baby kick.

"That you have brain tumor, if he learn that the day of the surgery or it will kill him. I can see how he is with you and the kids and I think you should tell him"

"How do you know about my tumor?"

"You were talking on the phone and I heard you mentioning it. I'm sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop"

"It's okay, you're the only one that I'm telling that. No one knows because I don't want them to know"

"Not even your parents" she ask Surprised.

"Not even them and I'm telling you this because I trust you" "let's go in the office I don't want Luke to hear"

"When are you having the surgery?"

"When the baby is born"


"Yeah, not only I have the tumor I also have fibrosis in my uterus and this child that I'm having could kill me."

"You knew about that"

"Yes I did but when I got pregnant I didn't want to abort the baby because I don't believe in that and also Luke face when he learn I was pregnant was worth more than my tumor or my cancer. The only thing that I'm asking from you is not to say anything"

"I don't know if I can do that" she left and I went I too to bed cuddling with Luke. I hope that she doesn't tell anyone about all this. I plan to profit from this little time I have left with him.

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