Chapter 16

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I call blake when they arrived and he said that they were fine. I felt relief wash over me and I lay there in bed stroking Akita's fur. I was exhausted, I felt my eyes heavy and blackness began to take me to a peaceful dream when my phone rings. I quickly jump and snatch it from the bedside table.

"Ella" I heard blake worriedly.

"What's wrong, is something wrong with my babies" I basically yell sitting straight in my bed.

"They keep crying and asking for you" I heard them crying in the background and that's when I remember.

"Blake put the phone on speaker " he did as I told him and I began singing the song that I sang to them every night before they go to sleep.

hush little baby don't say a word
Mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird.
And if that mockingbird don't sing.
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring.

I continue to sing. I could hear them calming down and after singing the song over again to them I didn't hear anything.

"They fell asleep" blake said to me with softly. I chuckle imagining their little faces sleeping.

"I should have tell you that, I'm sorry" I said sincerely.

"Go to sleep, you sound tired" he said with concern in his voice.

"Good night Blake I love you"

"I love you too big sister" he responded. I turn the phone off and lay back in bed. As soon as my head hit the fluffy pillow I let the darkness take me. The next day I woke up at ten eight o'clock, even though the kids weren't there I couldn't stay in bed. I took my phone and dial Blake's number, after ringing he couple of time he finally pick it up.

"Hey what's up" he responded at the other end of the line.

"How are my angels doing"

"They are eating breakfast"

"What are they eating"

"Pancakes" he responded cheerly.

"Kiss them for me, I'll call you later" I said to him and hang up. I decided that since the kids weren't there that I was going to give the house a big makeover. I started in my room, I turn the radio on loud enough and started cleaning. I change me bedsheets and drapes in my room, I threw the dirty one in the laundry basket. I dust and vacuum my room, when I was done I move to the kids and guest bedroom and did the same. When I was all done with upstairs I move downstairs and clean every part of the house. After that I did the laundry put everything back where they belong and went to the supermarket to stock the fridge back.

"I was walking along the cereal aisle my music loud in my hear listening to pop music's. I knocked into something I snap my gaze to see that I knocked into someone else's cart.

"I'm so sorry" I quickly apologize taking my earplugs off.

"It was my fault" a deep husky voice said to me. I look at the deepvoice to see a pair of grey eyes staring at me. He had black silky hair, tall and he was well built. I couldn't help staring at this handsome man. I look in his cart to seebnothing but noodle soup, beer, eggs and orange juice. Wow this man was lonely I said to myself.

"Do you by chance know where the black pepper is" he asked me.

"I think its in aisle 3" I said unsure of myself but I remember seeing it somewhere there.

"Thank you" he said with a grin in his face.

"No problem" I said back to him. I made my way around His cart and begin to walk to my way.

"I'm Ely by the way"

"Stella" I said Back to him returning his grin. I put my headphones back in my ears and continue my shopping. I brought everything that I needed and went to pay for the things I brought. I payed and made my way to my car, I open the back and began putting the things in the car.

"Need help" I heard someone says. I turn around to see Ely standing a few away from me.

"No thank you, I'm good"

"I wouldn't be a gentleman to stand there and letting a beautiful young lady like you do the work" he said. I remark that does like to grin. He took the bags from my hands and put them in my car when he was done he close the back doors.

"Here take this" he said handing me something.

"Your card" I ask surprise.

"I will really like if you call me or maybe you can give me your number"

"I'll call You" we said goodbye I get in my car and left.

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