Chapter 7

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"Ms Ella is something wrong" ms penny ask me.

"Umm oh right, yes I'm okay". The bell rang for the next class and everybody get up and left but I was picking up my stuff.

"Hey, is everything ok you seem a little off today"

"Yeah, I just felt a little light headed but I'm okay now"

"You sure"

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry" he kiss me and we left to our next class. I couldn't concentrate in any of the classes only one question keep lingering in my mind did we use a condom? I didn't know I have to ask Luke and only him could calm me down. The bell rang and I went outside, minutes later luke came.

"Hey babe, what's up"

"Can I ask you a question"

"Yeah, what is it"

"Did we use a condom last time" I said to him almost in a whisper.

"I don't think we did, but it was awesome" I manage to chuckle but I wasn't in peace.

"Ella let's go, I'm hungry"


"Talk to you later" I said to Luke and kiss him.

"You can drive today" I said to Blake.

"Is everything alright"

"Yeah why you ask"

"Because you never let me drive willingly"

"Well then maybe today is your lucky day."

During the car ride I didn't say anything even the kids were surprise that I didn't yell at them to be quiet. We got home I went upstairs and got on my bed. I was so tired I just wanted to sleep.
It's been two weeks since I had sex with Luke and since then anything wasn't the same. I keep sleeping in class which is something I never did. I decided to search the internet as to what can make you sleep all the time and the result said depression, pregnancy, and other things. I didn't have any of those things that they mention only for one pregnancy the words keep repeating in my head.

"No I can't be pregnant can I". I run downstairs take the keys and left. I went to a nearby pharmacy and buy three pregnancy test. I went back home get in my room and lock it. I went to the bathroom and did all the test. I wait for a few minutes.

"Please God let it be negative". I close my eyes and took the tests and all three of them says positive. I didn't know but tears were running down my cheeks. No I can't be pregnant. It's not like I can't take care of a baby but I'm just not ready. I fell asleep thinking about it.

"Ella get up"


"We're waiting for you downstairs so we can eat dinner. I'm hungry" Colten says.

"I'm not hungry you guys can eat without me"

"Ok then"

"Ella is everything. Okay" I heard Blake saying while knocking on the door.

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Why didn't you come downstairs".

"I wasn't hungry okay, so just leave me alone"

"Okay, okay, you don't have to be so harsh"

I decided to get up and went to see what the kids were up to. As I imagine the boys were playing video games, Charlotte on her phone and Abigail and Mia was playing with their dolls.

"I'm assuming that you're done with your homeworks?"

"Yes we are"the boys said not looking up from their games.

"Let me see it" I said to them because I knew they were lying.

"Oh right did we say were done, I mean no?" Oliver said.

"You want me to take your games away because I can do it"

"Oh no please please please don't do it"

"Then go do your works and after that you can play games all you want.

"Charlotte I believe you're done with your work right"

"I'm not a kid anymore, so stop telling me what to do."

"Oh really, hand me the phone"


"Hand me the freaking phone I said" she handed to me.

"Do not ever talk back to me when I told you to do something that will be for your own good not mine"

I went downstairs to go get something to eat. I had a wolf hunger, I took some food and went to the living room to watch some TV while eating. I found Blake already there sitting in his phone and the TV was also on. I snatch the remote from his lap and turn the tv.

"Hey I was here first"

"Too bad" I said sticking my tongue at him.

"I'm sorry about earlier"

"Its okay everybody have their up and down sometime"

"I think mine is going up without going down"

"What is it"


We sat there for hours watching tv chatting. I fell asleep on the couch. The next day I woke up and I was in my bed which was so strange because I didn't remember going up to my room. I went for a run as usually then came back. I found blake in the kitchen doing something that looks like cooking. I was surprise.

"Umm what are you doing" I ask him.

"What does it look like I'm doing"

"burning the kitchen down"

"Im making breakfast"

"Breakfast as in eating food that you make"


"Wow that's a really big surprise for me. By the way did you carry me to my room"

"Oh yeah, you fell asleep, so when I was going to bed I didn't want to leave you downstairs by yourself"

"Thanks bro" I said giving him a kiss while snatching a piece of bacon. As soon as the bacon get to my mouth I felt pressure in my stomach like I wanna puke. I ran upstairs to my room and went straight to the bathroom and vomit my gut's out.

"And here come the side effects of being pregnant. Now I was one hundred percent sure that I was"


Guys what do you think of this chapter. Like and comment to tell me what you think do not hesitate to be honest about it. I will really appreciate it -_-


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