Chapter 8

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"What am I gonna do? Do I tell Luke? Will he accept" I was pacing up and down my room.

"Friday is the graduation, so I'll tell him then. I can't believe I'm pregnant.

My mom was away in her honeymoon with Frank, I don't want to disturb them I guess I'll tell her when she comes back. She will be so disappointed with me. I'm disappointed with myself, I was suppose to set an example for my little siblings and now here I'm.

[ Friday ]

Omg today is the graduation day I'm so nervous, not for the event though but for what I'm going to tell Luke and my family. My mom and Frank had return from their honeymoon so everybody was there. Skylar came today so we can go together and even her doesn't know that I'm pregnant.

"Hey sky, I o have something to tell you"

"What is it" she said with a worried look"

"Err I don't know how to say it"

"Come on just spill it out you're making me nervous"

"I'm pregnant" I said lowly but loud enough for her to hear.

"You're what"

"Yes" I said feeling water in my eyes. She hug me and said that it it's going to be alright.

"Did you tell Luke"

"No, not yet"

"When are you planning to do it"

"Today after the event, I'm gonna tell him and my family"

"You haven't told them yet"


"Do you want me to come with you"

"No, I'm gonna be fine but thank you anyway"

"what are friends for" we hug each other and just then the car pull in front of the school. Luke was in front of the school waiting for me. He handed me his hand I took it and get out. I give him a weak smile and he kiss me. We all get inside the school where we sat in alphabetical order which I hated. After hours of talking and handing out diplomats the ceremony was finally over. We all get out where we took pictures together with friends and family, I took pictures with luke. It is a very happy day for all of us. When we were done I pull Luke aside.

"Can I talk to you" I said to him.

"Yeah sure what is it"

"Can we talk privately"

"Sure want to go in my car"

"Let's go then"

We get in the car and we sat there for minutes before I break the silence.

"I don't know how to say it" I said while water run down my face

"Ella you're scaring me baby, what's wrong?"

"Luke umm.... I....I'm pregnant" I manage to say. He run his hand through his hair and look at me angrily.

"Ella you are f*cking eighteen and I'm going to turn nineteen soon how are you going to take care of a damn baby" he yell while his hands we're firm on me. Thank god the windows were up so nobody can really hear us.

" Luke you're hurting me" I said while sobbing.

"Get out of my car"

"Luke I'm..."

"Just get the hell out of my car". I get out of the car and he storm away.

"I guess he didn't take the news well I suppose" skylar said behind me.

"No he did not"

"What news, and why are you crying" I heard Blake said with a worry look on his face.

"I'll tell you guys when we get home". I said goodbye to skylar and her family. And Luke's family came to said goodbye.

"Hey Ella have you seen Luke" Jane asks me.

" we had a pretty intense discussion and he left"

"Did he hurt you?" Jake said while clenching his fist.

"No I'm okay". Luke family left and I left with my family also. We get home everybody was happy and hungry so I let everybody eat and change into something comfortable. Everybody went downstairs. I change into my PJ and went downstairs where everyone was watching a family movie. I pick up the remote and pause the movie.

"Can I have your attention please" I manage to say. Everybody turn to face me.

"Umm I don't even know where to began. I'm in a really big mess, and I know you guys will really be disappointed in me but I want you to know that I never intended for it to happen.

"Just talk already" blake shout.

"What I mean to say is that I'm.... Pregnant" everybody stared at me wide eye without saying anything.

"Is it Luke's" my mom asks me calmly.

"Yes it is"

"Does he know"

"Yes, I told him this morning but he did not take it well, so I'm gonna go and talk to him tomorrow"

"We did not expect that at all from you Ella, but you're my baby and I love you I will never reject you or your baby for one bad step that you made sweetie"

"Thank you mom I love you too"

"We all love you Ella, and I'm gonna be an uncle" blake said, which made me cry. I was happy to hear all those conforting words from my family. We group hug and we finish the movie while eating popcorn an laughing.

~ the next day~

I get up and did some of the many chores in the house.

"Ella you are pregnant you shouldn't be working too hard" my mom keep reminding me.

"Mom I'm 3 weeks and a half pregnant not sick or nine months pregnant"

"I'm sorry but I want that baby to be born healthy"

And here we go, she's gonna be like that through all nine month of the pregnancy. I finish my chores took a shower throw some clothes on and made my way downstairs so I can go see Luke maybe he had change his mind. I took one of the car and left. I reach his house and the butler receive me.

"Hello Marc how are you doing" I said to the butler with a smile on my face.

"I'm good and you ms Ella, you're here to see Luke?"

"Yes, is he here"

"Yes he is, I think he's in his room"

"Thank you Marc " I made my way to his room and open the door like I always did when I come over.

"Hey Luke I......began to say but what I saw shock me.


So can you guys guess what she saw inside Luke's bedroom.

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