Chapter 6

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Why does the days goes so fast I said to myself when I realize that today was my mom's marriage. I get up and went to take a shower, I got out and went into my closet and pull my dress out. It was very revealing but it was sexy. I curl my dark brown hair. After that I put some powder, mascara, a light blue eye shadow and red lipstick. I always love red lipstick. I put the dress on and slip my shoes on. I take one last glance at myself in the mirror then made my way out to check on the girls. The boys left with Frank so I didn't have triple job to do.

"I want to be beautiful like you" Charlotte says.

"You're already beautiful sweetie, you don't need to be like me.

"I love you very much Ella"

"I love you more my love".

I made my way out to check on my mom. She was so beautiful and happy. It made me happy to see her this excited.

"I love you mom, and I'm sorry if I ever said something that hurt your feelings."

"Its okay sweetie, I deserve it"

"No mom you did not. No mother deserve to be treated like worthless even if they are"

"Oh sweetie I love you so much, don't you ever forget that"

"Ok enough crying, today is your special day, so today we should laugh and not cry. Now let's go"

We made our way down the stairs and into the limousine. We got to the church and I went inside first. As I was walking I could sense a few eyes on me I ignore them and made my way to Luke who was watching me appreciably.

"That dress is too revealing?" He stated.

"It is" I ask like I didn't know.

"For me it's great, but did you see how many people were watching you when you enter".

"No" I said with sarcasm in my voice.

My mom enter and everyone stood up watching her as she made her way into the church altar. After what felt like forever of swearing their life to each other it was over. We made our way to the reception and I couldn't wait to eat because I was starving.

" wanna dance" someone said to me. I look up to see Jake Luke's brother with his brown fair hair and he look hot with a tuxedo

"Sure" I said not wanting to be rude. After minutes of dancing with him I went to sit but as I was about to sit an another one come again asking to dance .

"Hey babe" Luke came and kiss me in front of the boy who just left when he saw that.

"Thank you" I said to him.

"Anytime, wanna dance"

"You dancing"

"Yes why"

"Oh nothing, let's go". In my surprise he is a very good dancer. I never taught that you could dance to a slow dance.

"Just because I'm a bad boy, a player or anything people call me doesn't mean I can't be professional."

"Sorry but you not a player anymore are you"

"No, because I have you"

"Awww, I love you too babe"

"Let's go" he said to me. I didn't ask where I just went with him. We went to my room and started kissing me. He made me feel everything. I love that boy to death. He lay me on the bed and once again we started making hot passionate love. We were out of breath when we were done.

The next day I didn't wake up early, I was exhausted. I look at my phone and it was one in the afternoon. I jump off the bed and went to take a shower. I went downstairs, neither of the kids were awake yet. Only Marie was in the kitchen.

"Hey Marie"

"Good morning Ella". I made my way to the cabinets and pull a bowl. I pour some cereal and milk and started eating. I had a headache that was killing me but today I had to go pick up the photos. I finish my breakfast and got to the car and left. That's when I saw Skylar calling me.

"Where are you" Skylar said at the end of the line.

"I'm on my way to pick up my photos"

"Did you buy your prom dress already"


"Want to go to the mall with me to buy mine if you not buying yours today"

"I think I'm buying mine today too because I don't think I would have the time to do it and the prom is in two weeks.

"Yeah that's true"

"You want me to pick you up"

"Yeah sure"

"I'm on my way then." I went to pick up the photos and went to Skylar's house to pick her up and go to the mall. After hours of walking around we finally found our dresses. I pick a pink salmon dress with silver beading and a silver shoes that matches it. Skylar pick a one strap dark blue dress. We pay and then get in the car and left.

"So, how's everything between you and Luke?"

"Great" I said with a big smile on my face.

"Did you and him have.... You know what I'm talking about"

"Yeah twice already"

"Omg Ella, I hope you guys put protection."

"Of course we did" I said to her but I wasn't sure if we did the last time we did it.

I went home thinking about it but I couldn't remember. I was a little scare because I didn't want to get pregnant.


Hey guys I hope you like this chapter and if anything didn't please you in the book please don't hesitate to let me know.

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