Chapter 22

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It's been two weeks since I celebrated my birthday and the incident happened with Luke. He would come to see the kids but I'm never there. Today I came home after grocery shopping to find the kids calm. Which scream trouble usually they aren't like that unless something happened.

"What happened?"

"Julia and Kaiden were fighting." My sister answered.

"Why were they fighting?"

"Kaiden took Julia's lollipop" she answered.

"I'm sorry mommy, I just wanted one of her lollipops" Kaiden said crying.

"You're both grounded for a week. No TV, no games, no going out and definitely no sugar for this whole week. Do you understand me?"

"Yes mommy, they both said"

"Now both of you go to your room and get a book" they both got up and went up the stairs.

"Are you mad mommy?" Kaiden said at the top of the stairs.

"I'm very mad because you guys know better than that, you know I hate those kind of things" they went to their room then I finish unpacking the groceries for them. I was going to make cupcakes for them but after what they did, I cut it off my list. These kids are going to give me a heart attack someday.

Today Blake went to work, my mom and dad went to visit some old relatives that I had no idea existed Carter, Charlotte went to college so I'm left with Carter, Mia, abigail and the kids who I just grounded. I decided to order Chinese food because I was in no mood for cooking. I order chicken and fries for Julia and Kaiden, and the others chose what they wanted to eat.

"Mia can you call julia, kaiden and Carter for me in their room please" seconds later they came downstairs heads down. They were ashamed for what they did because I always remind them that they shouldn't fight because they are siblings.

"I'm sorry mommy, I won't do it again" Kaiden said.

"Of course you won't do it again because if there is a next time it will be worse than just grounding you two. Now what do you do?" They embrace each other and say sorry. It was so cute seeing that scene that it makes my heart melt.

"You guys are officially ungrounded" I said to them.

"I love you mom" Julia said.

"I love you guys more" I responded.

"Do you know that I still can't believe that you're a mother. Yep even though after six years you were always mother material but seeing you interacting with the kids is so beautiful" Blake said at the front door. I didn't even hear him coming in.

"Did you just record me?" I ask.

"I couldn't help it you guys are so cute like that and the best part is Julia's face" he said laughing and Julia started crying.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask her.

"Un-uncle b-blake just laugh at me"she said hiccupping.

"Blake don't laugh at my baby, come here, let me give you a hug" i could see blake trying to hold his laughing.

"Im sorry cupcake, I didn't mean to make you cry" Blake said. Julia got off me and went to give blake a hug.

"Come eat before the food gets cold"

"Why chinese food, I thought you were going to cook one of your delicious meal" he said pouting.

"How old are you exactly?" I ask him.

"Ten" he said while taking a piece of chicken from my plate.

"You do act like one"

"Hey, I'm home so I can act like a baby if I want to" he said grinning.

"Do you want a bottle too big baby" I tease him and all of the others laugh. He sat in a chair next to me, pull my food and started eating.

"What, I'm hungry" he said when I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Can I go play video games with Carter?" Kaiden ask.

"Yes, don't forget to wash your hands "

"Okay" he ran up the stairs excitedly to go play.

"You should drop by the office sometimes" he said out of the blue.

"Maybe I should, tomorrow maybe I'll try"

"Bring the kids also"

"Where would I leave them Anyway"

"I'm going to shower the kids see you in a bit"

"I'm not going anyway ms, I plan to stay here and catch up on some old times with you" Blake said.

"Julia, Kaiden, shower time" I called.

"I was about to beat Carter" Kaiden whines.

"Dream again" carter said.

"Okay I expect you to be in the shower by the time I finish with Julia"

"Okay" he said and ran back into Carter's room.

"Mommy when is daddy coming?" Julia asked.

"I don't know sweetie but soon" I responded.

"Okay" she said resuming putting soap on her little hands. After that I dress her in her pajamas since it was already seven.

"Call your brother for me" I instructed her. She ran down the hallway to go find Kaiden. I went to Kaiden room and waited for him. When he came I did the same for him. I then took a shower and change into my own pajamas and went downstairs and into the kitchen. I made popcorn and two tubs of ice cream.

"Looks like you're ready to catch up" Blake said. I took a seat next to him and started watching a movie. While watching TV I heard julia running upstairs and laughing loudly.

"I expect you to be in bed in two hours young lady" I yell, she didn't even listen to me and continue running.

"You raised them well" Blake said.

"Thanks, I don't know what I would have done without them. It's like I was half complete before they were born and now seeing them running laughing and happy makes my heart complete. I couldn't ask God for anything more."

The first movie finishes so we decided to watch another one. Twenty five minutes into the movie I lay there on the couch and let sleeps take me. The next day I woke up to a loud snoring I turn around and saw Blake sleeping in the couch across from me his mouth open and then I heard running up the stairs and giggling. I took my phone and saw that it was ten in the morning. I got up and shook blake.

"Don't you have to go work Mr snoring"

"I'm the boss, I can go whenever I want"

"I don't think dad would agree with that would he?"

"You know that you can be real evil sometimes?" he said.

"I know"

"Mommy look at that" Julia said showing me Carter's phone. What I saw was me sleeping and Blake too but snoring.

"Did you guys eat?"

"Yes, I made eggs and toast" Carter replied.

I took a shower dress myself and the kids then we took off to the office with Blake. It would be the first time that I would set foot to the building. After fifteen minutes of driving we arrive in front of this tall glass building. We enter the parking lot and made our way into the building.

"Good morning Mr Calhoun" everywhere you pass was like that.

"Why do they call you Mr Calhoun" Julia said. She couldn't even pronounce the name.

"Because it's my name cupcakes" we enter this huge office space and the kids just went in there and started jumping on the sofa and touching everything.

"Today you have a meeting in thirty minutes with Mr Paterson, Mr Richard, Mr Carson, and their associates.

"Wait did you say Patterson as in Luke Patterson?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am" the Secretary responded.
"Yayy I'm going to see daddy" Julia said jumping up and down.

"can this day get any better!"

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