chapter 27

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"Mommy can we go to daddy's office" Julia ask me.

"Sure sweetie" I responded. I needed to talk to him anyway because in one month school will be open and we need to make a decision and fast. I've apply to the biggest hospital in town and got an interview. What kind of a person am I, I've applied for job and I don't know if I'm gonna enroll my kids in school here? Whoah I'm really messed up but anyway.

I went to the office and Julia and Kaiden disappeared somewhere my guess is Luke's office because it always has different kind of candies and cookies.

"We need to talk" I said.

"When you say it like that it feels like something is wrong" Luke said.

"As you know summer is almost over and I don't what do"

"Sell it and come live here with me permanently" he said.

"I guess I should do that and also I need to enroll the kids in school"

"I was thinking December the 25th" he said out of the blue.

"You want me to move here permanently December the 25th?" I ask confusingly.

"No, the wedding"

"Why this date"

"Because its Christmas, a season of happiness, forgiveness, faith, and I want it to symbolize our union if you would like"

"I would like that, then we have a date. How will we get everything done in four months." I started panicking

"We will I promise" he held my head while looking in my eyes and gave me a light peck on the lips.

"We have to make a guest list which I know that you have plenty of, i have to find a dress"

"Mr Patterson I'm sorry to interrupt but Mr Parker is here" the secretary said. Where did I know that name. Oh yes Ely but it couldn't possibly be. A lot of people are Parker. Ely wouldn't come all the way here anyway.

"I got to go anyway, I don't want the kids to eat all the candy in the building. See you later so we can talk about this wedding stuff""where are the kids anyway"

"Papa Ely" the kids came running out of wherever they were into his arms. I was right it was Ely Parker my friend.

"Princess, buddy, what are you doing here" he pick both of them into an embrace. "Where is your mother?"

"here" they said pointing at me.

"Ely Parker" I said happily

"Gorgeous" he said smiling with his cute dimples. He lift me and gave me a bone crushing hug. "I miss you so much"

"I miss you too" I responded.

"*coughs* uumum" I turn around to see Luke standing there with a hint of jealousy and anger in his eyes.

"Mr Parker, I'm Mr Patterson Stella's Fiance" I mentally slap myself when he said that. Really, this is a business negotiation and he chose now to be jealous.

"I hope I didn't offend you, wait you are Luke"

"If hugging my fiance like that is not offensive then no and to answer your question, yes my name is Luke can we talk business now.

"Yes, I'm sorry" Ely turn to look at me one more time giving me a disappointed look then went into Luke's office. I grab the kids and went home.

"Do you guys want mommy to get married to daddy?" I ask them.

"Yes, we could all live together in the same house happily ever after" Julia said. "OK then because mom and dad are going to get married". They were squealing in the backseat just hearing that. I reach the house where I found my parents, I told them the news and them too were excited. My mom was talking about where, what, and who, I'm happy though because that means I don't have to do everything myself.

After eating, I shower the kids and myself then I sat in my bedroom reading a book it was seven o'clock, just waiting for the time to struck nine so I could tuck them in bed. My bedroom door flew open and there stood a not so happy Luke. He close the door behind him and stood there looking at me.

"Papa Ely, gorgeous, princess, buddy? What the heck is that Stella?"

"What do you mean Luke?"

"I mean that my kids are calling someone else papa, that's my title not his and to make matters worse he called you gorgeous do you think that all this is OK?"

"The reason why the kids called him papa Ely is because they want to, I would have never order them to call someone else papa even though you weren't in their lives and also he called me gorgeous, well that's his problem. I can tell him to ease up on the name but I would never tell the kids t9 stop calling him papa Ely. That's their problem and if you don't like it then deal with it" I said to him.

"Fine" he said then storm out of the room. When he left I began to think that maybe marrying him might be a mistake. I don't want to be in a relationship where there is jealousy, overprotection, and misunderstanding. I want it to base on trust and nothing else. If Luke can't trust me then I don't know what I will do.

What do you guys think of this chapter?

Do you guys approve of them marrying?

What about Ely do you guys like him.

"Tell me who you would like Stella to end up with in the comments.

Byebye and thank you for reading my book★★★★★

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