Chapter 34

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After I tuck the kids to bed, I lay in bed waiting for Luke to come home but he never did. Unintended my eyes goes up to my face and wipe the tears that were streaming down my face. I felt worthless. I heard Luke came home but he didn't come into the room. He slept in the guest room, I woke up the next day prepare the kids for school and did breakfast.

"I will drop the kids to school on my way to work" is all Luke said to me and left with the kids. I decided not to go to work I don't know what got into me but I had an urge to clean every inch of the house and so I did. After that I cleaned the fridge out and then I went to pick up the kids and went to the market on our way home.

"Mommy why is daddy mean today?" Kaiden asks.

"He is not mean" I responded while looking at the expiration date on a milk.

"Yes he is, he yelled at us this morning" Julia said.

"And he went to pick up Mina in her house and made us late to school. I don't like her mommy" Julia said.

"I like her but she talks a lot" Kaiden responded I couldn't help it but laugh.
"Can we buy ice cream?" Kaiden asks.

"Yes can you bring me strawberry for me a chocolate chips for Julia and your dad and whatever you want" he and Julia disappeared into the dairy aisles while I continue shopping. My phone started ringing and I fish it out of my pocket.


"Hello, hi Stella it's Sheila" Luke's girlfriend said on the other line.

"Hey Sheila how are you"

"I'm good thank you how is my godson"

"He is kicking"

"Is it all right if I came for a visit for summer vacation"

"I would love to have you" summer vacation will begin in one week. The kids will have vacation the first week of June and they couldn't be any excited. I hung up and the kids came running with their ice cream in hand. We pay for everything and charge them into the car.

"What do you guys want to eat for dinner?"

"We want parmesan eggplant" they both finally agreed that they wanted the same thing. When I got home I peeled the eggplants and fry them. I made the ground beef sauce and made the eggplant into a lasagna of some sort and put it into the oven for forty minutes. The kids went to play games and I took the opportunity to do the laundry. I gave my helper some time off because of all my family drama. The laundry was surprisingly a lot. I can't even remember the day I did the laundry. When the food was ready we sat down waiting for Luke since he used to be here for dinner.

"Mommy where is daddy I'm hungry"

"I don't know sweetie go call him" I let Julia call him because I did several time during the day and he did not pick up. He make it clear that he didn't care just by his actions.

"Hi daddy are you coming to dinner?" Julia asks and waited for an answer by her disappointed look I already knew the answer.

"I hope that you're happy" I said to Luke taking the phone from Julia then ended the call. We sat down and ate the food. By the time I was done, my feet were swollen. I manage to get a shower and the kids shower themselves. They then come into my room each with their ice cream bowl bringing me mine we sat on the bed watching deadpool. It had some cursing in it but I was willing to let it pass tonight. Watching the movie, only Luke was missing to make the family complete. At ten I check on the kids and they were both asleep I got up and went to clean the dishes, I couldn't stand up but I didn't want to attract insects and rodent into the house. I finish cleaning turn all the lights off after waiting until twelve for Luke. I got on the bed with the kids pulling them close to me. I realize the only best way for me was to go back to work where I can put my mind on my passion which is medicine. At two I heard the car pulling up in the driveway and minutes later Luke came into the room. I close my eyes pretending to be asleep. He check the kids, touches my stomach then headed back to the next room to sleep. I ignore him and went back to cuddling my babies.

"Mommy can you bring us to school I don't want to go with daddy today " Julia said while I was dressing myself. I took the phone and call a taxi because I wasn't allowed to drive.

"Good morning" Luke said he was becoming a stranger with me.

"Come on kids we got to go" I heard them running coming from the kitchen.

"I thought that you were not suppose to drive?" Luke commented.

"We are taking the taxi" I responded. He went outside gave the driver a twenty dollar bill and came back inside.

"Why did you do that for?"

"I don't want you to take the taxi I could drop you off" I wanted to argue but I didn't want the kids to be late. We got in the car and drove to school.

"The kids told me that you made them late yesterday"

"I'm sorry I had to pick up someone"

"Is that someone by any chance Mina"

"Yes, she needed a lift and I gave it to her"

"What is going on with you, you didn't come for dinner, ignoring me, well I don't care if you ignore me but don't include my children in there" I said when the kids left.

"I had a lot of work to do I'm sorry"

"That's nice that's why you came home at two in the morning?"

"I told you I had work"

"What kind of work can hold you from spending time with your family" he couldn't answer. "And that's my answer. "Are you cheating on me?" He couldn't answer. "Luke are you cheating on me?" I asked again.

"No I'm not" he responded unconvincingly.

"I swear to you Luke, if I learn that you cheated on me you will heard from my lawyer and you will never hear from me or my kids again" since I was agitated I felt the baby moving and kicking.

"Are you feeling okay" Luke said
seeing my subtle change.

"Don't touch me, do not put your filthy hands on me. Today, right now, this second I'm regretting that I ever came back here nonetheless marrying you." "Can you drop me at the hospital, I need to go back to work"

"I thought you were considering working in the office" he said.

"I thought about it and realized that working with you is not the best choice for me or us" he drop me at the hospital because I did not leave a room for him to ask any more question that I didn't want to answer.

"How are you coming home?"

"Don't worry about it" I went inside and everyone was happy to see me. After work I went to pick up the kids and went to my mother's house. When I get there I went immediately to my room and lock the door laying on the bed I cried my eyes out.

"Stella sweetie open the door, I need to check on you" I'm alright mom I just need to sleep.

"Are you crying, you do know that it will affect the baby" bugging me I finally open the door and sat at the top of the stairs with my mom.

"He cheated on me mom" I said crying more.

"Oh sweetie come here, how do you know that? I don't think that Luke will do something Like that. He loves you"

"I asked him and he couldn't denied it, he hates me now" "I feel like my marriage is falling apart and there is nothing I can do to stop it"

"Sh stop crying you will figure it out, you always do and think about this little creature that will not survive without you"

I don't think that I will, what have I done.?

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