chapter 24

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"Did I hear you right, you are forgiving me" Luke said excitedly.

"I'm not doing this for you but for the kids. I don't want them growing up without a parents. But if you did one small mistakes that could affect my babies life, you can say bye because you will never see them in your life.

"I promise I won't"

"Mommy it's time for our shower" Kaiden came to me and said.

"I'll be right up baby"

"Can I help?" Luke ask.

"Sure, I have no problem" I gave the kids a shower with Luke watching my every move.

"Mommy when are we going to the beach" Julia asked.

" you have a pool here my love"

"I want to go to the beach with you, daddy and Kaiden" she said.

"Daddy has work and I..."

"We can go this weekend, I will cancel everything I have and we can go to the beach"

"Yayy, mommy please say yes please"

"Get your pajamas on okay and then in thirty minutes I expect you two to be in bed" I said kissing them both and so did Luke.

"What were you thinking?" I reprimanded Luke.

"Like you said I want to spend time with my kids."

"We didn't even plan for anything and we are going this weekend. Are you crazy?"

"You don't have to worry about anything, just pack your bags. I have a house on the coast we could stay there".

"Whatever you win, see you tomorrow" he stood there for a moment then left in his car. I went and took a long shower.

"Stop doing that, you almost make my heart stop"

"At least it didn't" Blake said grinning.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"I wanted to talk to you"

"Talk then" I said while throwing my pajamas on in the closet. I came out and get underneath my sheets.

"You are my sister and I love you and your kids very much.." He began.

"I love you too"

"But I want you to stop making yourself suffer"

"I'm happy what are you talking about" I said.

"You say whatever you want but you're not happy as you should be. The key to all that is Luke Patterson. I see how you are when he's around. You still love him give him a chance to prove that he changed. We got one life so make the most of it. Give him a chance for the kids."

"I'll think about it" the next day, I pack up for me and the kids and Luke came and get us.

"We have to stop,to buy things we would need while there." I said to Luke.

"We have foods there already"

"I mean like snacks"

"Okay" he said. We stop at a supermarket. I bought one big pint of strawberry ice cream, one medium of chocolate and an Oreo cookie dough for Luke and Kaiden.

"Mommy can I get cookies?" Julia asked.

"Get everything you want, your brother too" she ran down the aisle to go find whatever she wanted. While I was looking for things to buy. The cart was full with junk foods, cake mixer and a bunch of other things. We pay at the register and we resume to our voyage. I fall asleep and I woke up to Luke waking me up. It was already dawn when we get there.

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