chapter 15

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I was feeding julia when she took hold of one of my fingers, she looks so cute and adorable. I love them to death when I was done with her I put her down and take kaiden to feed her taking care of them was my joy. I couldn't imagine people killing these innocent being. I was glad that I didn't kill them when they were inside of me, because now they are my joy and my only reason of life.

I put them both to sleep then resume to my work, one forty five minutes later I heard kaiden crying. I went and pick him up, I change his diaper and give him a little bath. I put another diaper on him and change his clothes. He was so small and sometimes I was scared to crush them when I was done with him I took Julia who was now awake I did the same for her and then feed them after that they fell asleep again. I stand by their cribs watching their small sleeping form and a smile crept on my face. I was happy and proud of my babies I wouldn't trade them for the world.

~Three years later~

"Kaiden don't touch that" I had to put all my important belongings higher now because they touch everything. They are growing so fast, I miss seeing them like tiny babies. I was cooking in the kitchen so I sit them down in front of the TV but they never stay sitting. They keep wondering around I had to stop every time to see if they weren't at the door.

I made pasta for them, when I was done I pour apple juice for kaiden and strawberry juice for Natalia. She doesn't like apple juice like kaiden does she prefer strawberry just like me. I sit them at the table in the dining room I then pull a chair and sit in front of them feeding them at the same time.

"Mommy uice" I laugh at her attempt of saying juice but couldn't pronounce the j. I gave her the juice. I gave both of them their juice. After some struggle they finally finish their food. I sit them back in the living room turning the TV to mickey mouse for them so I can watch the dishes. I clean the kitchen and went back to the living room to find them fond on mickey mouse. I stand there watching them with admiration, I think I did great at taking care of them.

"OK guys shower time" I went to them and put them on my hip. Kaiden was happy but julia was mad because I took her away from the tv. I carried them upstairs and turn the TV in their room on to Mickey mouse, Natalia run and sit in front of the tv. I take Kaiden to the bathroom and uncloth him I turn on the shower and give him a bubbly shower. I wrap the towel around his tiny body and went back outside. I sit him on the bed and take julia to the shower. I turn the shower on and let her sit in the bubbly bath. I made my way back out to dress Kaiden. When i was done I finish with jualia and dress her.

"Mommy's going to take a shower stay here okay" they nod their head at me. I went to take a shower while inside I heard pounding on the door.

"Mommy mommy" I heard Kaiden little voice calling.

"Yes baby" he tried to say something about julia but I couldn't understand a word.

"I'm coming sweetie" I finish my short shower, wrap a towel around and went outside to find julia playing with my jewelry. I realize that's why kaiden was calling me for. She put them back as soon as she saw me.

"Sorry mommy" she said with her little voice.

"Uncle Blake is coming to get you guys, who want to go see grandma and grandpa" Blake has convince me to let the kids go see them. I finally agree but I wasn't going with them.

"Meee" both of them said in unison. I laugh at them they look so cute. I grab a suitcase to put their clothes. I put Kaiden's clothes in one side and julia's clothes the other side. I put underwears, their toothbrushes, and everything that they would need while there. When Blake came I gave him the two suitcases.

"What are all these"

"One of the suitcase are julia's and kaiden's clothes, the other one is everything they would need" I said casually.

"Are you insane woman" he said playfully.

"What!" I said with a shrug.

"You do know that mom already brought these stuffs right." He said with a raised eyebrows. Who am I kidding of course she did and when julia and kaiden come back they will be spoil.

I took the suitcase from Blake and took out the diapers and other stuffs but I left their toothbrushes and their favorite blanket. I handed him the suitcase, he left to put them in his car.

"Where are my favorites nephew and niece"

"Blake there are some things you should know about them" I began.

"Here we go" he scoffs, I rolled my eyes at him and continue.

"Don't give them too much candy, don't let them get to your head when they say they don't want their food, don't give them too much ice cream even if they ask you, they should be in bed by eight o'clock, don't...." I continued when Blake cut me off.

"Ella you don't need to worry" he said with soft eyes.

"Of course I'm worry it's the first time they are leaving me in three years"

"We'll take care of your babies OK" he said giving me a hug.

"And blake,"


"I want Luke away from my kids, if I learn that he approach them you will be in big trouble with me" I said my voice muffled in his shirt.

"I should've seen that coming" he said sarcastically. After we were done talking, blake took the chairs in the back of my car. I hugged my two babies and they left. When they were gone it was like a part of me was ripped out. I went inside with akita my dog, I took out my ice cream bowl and went to sit in front of the TV. Akita jump next to me and lay there. I miss their voices calling me all the time but at the same time it felt good to lay down for a bit and relax.

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